Third dose: why do vaccination centers offer more Moderna than Pfizer?

A few days after the opening of the third dose to all vaccinated people, the available appointments are sometimes difficult to find and those open to booking offer the vast majority of the Moderna vaccine, while the Pfizer has been the vaccine the no longer used in the vaccination campaign.

Now 75.7% of French people are fully vaccinated (first two doses) and 77% have received at least one dose, 82% in New Aquitaine. Nearly 80 million Pfizer doses have been injected so far against just over 11 million from Moderna.

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The Pfizer for those under 30

In recent weeks, the Moderna vaccine has suffered from the change in doctrine according to age. The Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) has recommended the use of Pfizer for people under 30 due to the small but existing risks of developing myocarditis or pericarditis. Bordeaux University Hospital pharmacologist Mathieu Molimard admits: “Moderna is more efficient on Covid Alpha or even Delta, but can generate myocarditis in people under 30. »

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Insisting on the need for this 3rd dose in the face of the resurgence of the epidemic, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, wanted to clear up the controversy last week: "whether it's Moderna or Pfizer, it's exactly the same thing ". Both vaccines are based on the same technique, messenger RNA, and interchanging them is not a problem, according to the scientists.

The Pfizer in town

If those over 30 wish to continue to be vaccinated at the Pfizer, they will have to go for vaccination in town: in pharmacies, at the doctor's or all the private practitioners (physiotherapists, dentists, etc.) involved in the vaccination campaign. of the 3rd dose.

From a very practical point of view, the Pfizer vaccine seems better suited to community medicine, which vaccinates a reduced number of patients compared to centers. “The bottles of Moderna contain 20 doses that must absolutely be sold. Only the centers are able to have so many people in a few hours, ”explains Benoît Elleboode, director general of ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Whereas with a bottle of Pfizer, a doctor only needs to find five volunteers.

Last week, city medicine ordered 3.2 million doses precisely. But they will only receive 2.4 million this week, says the Ministry of Health. For the remaining 800,000 doses, it will also be Moderna for them.

Stocks to sell

Those over 30 will also be able to continue to benefit from the Pfizer vaccine in vaccination centers, provided they find slots with this vaccine. To date, the majority of slots available on booking platforms are with Moderna. And some people who have made an appointment for a 3rd dose of Pfizer are sometimes, depending on their age, offered Moderna.

Getting Pfizer in a center for an over 30 also requires the centers to be adequately staffed. But, as France has large stocks of the two vaccines, and even more of Moderna, according to the Ministry of Health, “people over 30 will be able to benefit this week mainly from the Moderna vaccine in vaccination centers”.

According to the Directorate General of Health, the country has 5 million doses of Cominarty (the Pfizer vaccine) for 20 million doses of Moderna serum. The health authorities have therefore decided to favor Moderna in vaccination centers.

Local reviews

"The managers of the Ministry of Health are trying to fit in at the last moment bottles of Moderna which will soon be expired", gets carried away Jean-Paul Hamon, general practitioner, honorary president of the Federation of doctors . What the Directorate General of Health disputes: “Currently, all the doses delivered have a preemption of at least 3 months, as is usually done. »

The Association of Mayors of France has decided to challenge the Minister of Health. She asks him for “a clarification” on the availability of Pfizer vaccines in vaccination centers.

But the situation could change at the start of 2022: France had received 27 million doses of Moderna at the end of November and Pfizer's deliveries have started to rise again since the acceleration of the recall campaign. By November, six million Pfizer doses had been received.

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