10 tips to eliminate bad smells in the house

In this period of end-of-year celebrations, we put the dishes in the big ones, to the great dismay of the bad smells that settle in the house. They are sometimes very strong and resistant. No matter how much you ventilate and clean, the smell of salmon, shrimp or even the cheese platter remains soaked in your home. The editorial staff gives you 10 tips to eliminate them effectively!

Tips for eliminating odors in the kitchen

In this room, they can stay for days without you being able to do anything about it. Rest assured, there are tips that can eliminate bad odors for good. Something to welcome your friends and family in a good atmosphere and smell for New Year's Day. We reveal 5 of them.

1 - Essential oils

Nothing better than essential oils to mask and eliminate kitchen odors. But be careful not just any! Prefer Eucalyptus or lavender essential oil, they will completely mask bad odors and leave a fresh and pleasant scent behind them.

For optimal diffusion throughout the kitchen, a little advice: use a cotton ball soaked in a few drops of essential oil of your choice and leave it on your work surface.

2 - Baking soda

The essential anti-odor tip! To eliminate bad smells, just pour it into the bottom of your trash can. You can also put one or more small cup(s) of baking soda in your fridge and also on your coffee table for example. It is magic to absorb odors!

3 - Lemon

Just like baking soda, lemon sanitizes, disinfects and eliminates bad odors from your home. In essential oil or juice, it turns out to be a very good trick to eliminate them.

Especially during the holiday season, squeeze a lemon, then pour the juice into hot water and bring to a boil. With the steam and the smell of lemon, the nauseating smell of cheese, for example mixed with seafood, will disappear. For even more efficiency, add a clove to your pan. That's it, no more bad smells in your kitchen!

4 - White vinegar

10 astuces pour éliminer les mauvaises odeurs dans la maison

Unbeatable as the best household product for the whole house, it stands out as an excellent purifier to ward off bad smells. Do you smell fishy in your house? Do not hesitate and use white vinegar to eliminate it.

To do this, pour white vinegar into a bowl and leave to rest in the desired room. Another trick with white vinegar: boil it. The emanation of white vinegar will eliminate all bad smells from your kitchen.

5 - Paper from Armenia

Less known, but just as effective as white vinegar: Armenian paper! Nothing could be simpler with this trick: all you need is a lighter or a match and let it ignite in a small bowl. The smoke will embalm your kitchen and eliminate any unpleasant smells.

This paper is also ideal in the living room to eliminate smells of raclette cheese, seafood for example. Small warning, once consumed ventilate your windows for a few minutes to avoid a too persistent smell at home.

Tips for cigarette odors

You surely know smokers in your entourage or you are one yourself and during the holidays "it gets loose". The smell of cold tobacco can be disturbing. First, consider creating a draft by opening several windows in your home. This trick should already reduce the smell. Other solution :

6 - Charcoal

The best way to get rid of cigarette odors is charcoal. For the use nothing very difficult, it is enough to take a bowl and to leave pieces of charcoal there. It will absorb tobacco odors and neutralize them. You can say goodbye to bad smells!

Tip for bad smells in the toilet

Odors can easily linger in your toilets. Unfortunately the products that sell dreams are only effective in the moment and very often as chemical as possible. To get rid of bad smells in your toilet, the best trick is that of our grandmothers.

7 - Baking soda, white vinegar & lemon

Objective: only natural products to overcome bad smells! Baking soda, white vinegar and lemon are the right mixture to eliminate all foul odors. To do this, boil water with white vinegar, squeeze a lemon that you add once the mixture is brought to a boil. Don't forget the baking soda.

Once the mixture has boiled, head to the WC where you will pour everything into the bowl and let it sit for as long as possible. A fresh smell should emanate and drive out the bad smells from before.

Tip for those in the fridge

Food odors stink up your fridge? You may store your food in an airtight box, nothing helps? So here are two tips to fight against the bad smells that permeate your fridge and turn your heart when you open it.

8 - Water, lemon essential oil & white vinegar

Again and again the same miracle ingredients. To eliminate all the bad smells in the fridge, which are much more present during the holidays, you need a bowl filled with 70% water. Then fill it with 30% white vinegar, without forgetting to add several drops of lemon essential oil.

Once the mixture is ready, put it in the fridge overnight so that it absorbs unpleasant odors. With lemon essential oil, your fridge will have a much more pleasant scent!

9 - Tea bag

Another trick to fight against bad smells in the fridge: tea bags. They smell good and can perfume a room, so it is quite possible to put several sachets in your fridge to deodorize it.

Obviously, nothing is more effective against bad odors than regularly cleaning your fridge with white vinegar!

Tip for bad smells in your sink

Your drains can sometimes give off odors that you would rather not smell. So before you start with toxic cleaning products, think about unclogging your siphon to remove all the stagnating residues. Once uncorked you can tackle the deodorization in a natural way.

10 - Coffee grounds (ground coffee)

And for that nothing better than coffee grounds! Simply put a tablespoon in the siphon and then run hot water (or white vinegar) for a few minutes. If odors persist, repeat the operation once a day.

You now have various tips for effectively eliminating bad odors in your home. It only remains for us to wish you, a little in advance, a Happy New Year with joy and good smells.