21 problems that only women with strong breasts can understand

By cosmopolitan.Frenvoyer by e-mail

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableLes femmes aux petits seins vous envient, mais vous, même si vous aimez votre forte poitrine, il y a des jours où vous aimeriez bien la voir disparaître. Au lieu de vous lamenter sur votre sort, riez plutôt de ces petits tracas du quotidien : après tout, le rembourrage, vous, vous ne connaissez pas !

The buttons open as if by magic when you haven't asked them anything.Result: you seem to stroll half naked.It's a bit like you had spinach between your teeth ... but in chest version.

All these pretty little triangle bras all in lace that are so pretty on the models?No need to try them!If we believe the brands, women with strong breasts must wear BEIGE Grandmother's BEIGE BEIGE with 4 cm wide suspenders.

You buy the top in a specialized store and the bottom in a normal store.

21 problèmes que seules les femmes à fortes poitrines peuvent comprendre

The best answer to give them: And you, have you already thought of doing a rhinoplasty?Nope ?So, mix your business.

Back pain only concerns a few women but obviously for people, all women with a high chest have this problem.

When you make pumps, there are usually 1 centimeter of space between you and the ground.

Sometimes two, sometimes three. And often, you would like to be able to mummify your breasts during a sports session.

A simple V-neck t-shirt is cute on a small or even medium chest woman.But on you, he immediately looks tight and sexy.

Vidéo du jour :

Your neckline is so pigeonizing that even in a one-piece jersey you seem to go out from alert to Malibu.

Both men and women.It's weird and strange.You don't ask people how much they weigh?

Obviously, they think that a woman with a high chest is a goddess in bed.

Mark your size with a belt?Really ?It's a bit like you have your breasts on a set, right?

You cry in front of the Oscars and you are jealous of the "side boob" of the stars because you cannot afford to go out without a bra.

They all open at the level of the chest and your breasts seem even bigger.Wearing a blazer on a dress for an interview is a snapshot that always annoys you as much.

The long long necklaces hang below your breasts like a cat toy.

With them, you feel like you are breastfeeding a baby.

Especially if your breasts are not entirely in the context.

She assumes her strong chest and every time you see her, you want to shout Hallelui!

Her breasts seem to challenge the laws of gravity.

You like your strong chest but you find it big enough like that!

Source: Cosmopolitan.com