22 False friends to exfiltrate your wardrobe in 2022

You think they want you good, that they will add chic, dog, consistency or cozyness to your wardrobe.Here is our black list of 22 false good clothing ideas, to ban your closets next year.

Charlotte Moreau

1 - The nice thing hanging

Fine cascading scarf to the knees, ricochant necklace on the navel, as many extensions of yourself that will end up stuck or soaked somewhere: toilet bowl, door handle, self-bin trash.Also applies to trench or perfecto belts.Do you know, those with whom you bare all the doors behind?

2 - Les « trotteurs»»

These shoes with small heels, allowing the modern woman to ride all day, without losing femininity.In 1950 maybe?The trotters are the double sentence guaranteed.Comfortable, rarely.Ugly, often.Instead, put yourself in platform derbies.Or in Rangers.Or to the heels of a killer, as long as to do.

3 - Le sac noir qui « va avec tout»»

With a lot, yes.With everything, no.He kills the bright colors, weighs down dark looks, only walks on clear silhouettes if they are clean.If you want an omnipotent bag, apply the theory of stylist and make-up artist Trinny Woodall: the one who really goes with everything, is metallic.Silver if you are rather cold colors, golden if warm colors, champagne if you are neutral.And of course, no frills in the design, choose it austere.

4 - Refuge jeans

We know it since high school, and then we forget.Jeans forgive nothing and has no power.He does not "make" no more beautiful buttocks, nor his leg more tapered than she is.But is content to accentuate what is already there, in good as in bad.Jeans is a fighter fingling, point bar.And when I campaign against him, it is always a comfort to be supported by our readers, like Anne-Laure: "I am laughing when the ultra gaule girls say" the thing that will always go to you, it's jeans"".No.It’s even the most traitoring fringue, not for nothing that there is a whole business around the perfect jeans.»»

Lire aussi > Trouvez enfin le jean qui vous va

5 - The evening cover

A non -global to the armpit accessories.The evening pocket will invariably end up somewhere, because how will you hold your glass / smartphone / cigarette / your little oven with one arm?

6 - The day cover

Flat and chic, it will be too small for use.Large and flexible, it will quickly become too heavy, bulky and/or fleeting like an eel.The certainty of, sooner or later, smashing it on the ground, and all its content with.

7 - The white shirt

22 faux amis à exfiltrer de votre penderie en 2022

let's talk about it.The most scandalous of clothing mystifications.For 10% of girls (with narrow shoulders and/or matte skin) to whom she gives the air chic or sensual, how many are weakened or packed in it?Because a white closet does not light up everyone, because the collar is rarely impeccable, that the cotton crumps, that the gondola buttonhole between the breasts and the length oscillates between the overcourt-qui-jaillit-Main-Cesse-du-Pantalon and the Trop Long-Qui-Fa-Bourrage-Papier.A white shirt is ungrateful and so much less nice than a polka dot shirt, which gives contrast, and in silk, to reduce the volume of fabric around the waist.

8 - The forearm hardware

A rock-sexy accumulation of cuff bracelets to dress a basic look?Yes for a selfie or to lift the elbow at the bar.No pour taper à l’ordi toute la journée ou faire la vaisselle.Check the to-do list before use.

9 - The coat without pocket

Fluid, sleek, elegant, whatever we want.But unnatural, also.The fate of a hand is to go to a pocket.It’s his natural slope.And then what a crazy pleasure to find something at the bottom, two months or a year later.Pockets, it would take everywhere, dresses and skirts included.

10 - The sleeveless turtleneck

It's like mittens.The surrealist guarantee of having too hot and too cold at the same time.Thermo-incoherent clothes make you crazy.

11 - Low price leggings

I am writing to you, the country of tuning and leggings.We don't joke with that here.And this is precisely why leggings have so bad press, we see it wrongly as a cheap garment.While this is the secret of stylish wardrobes: going upmarket on casual parts.A beautiful well -woven leggings, neither too mat nor too shiny, which will not pocket the knees, will not elimty in the crotch and curm the thigh.Wonderful with large boots and a long sailor sweater.

12 - The off -topic gift

We have all been there, and we'll go there again.Clothing or accessory full of affect because she wanted to please us, but sadly inappropriate to our style, our daily life, or the two.Reign very hard to Marie Kondo.Remember that a gift is not supposed to be useful but simply to convey the thought that a loved one has for you.Did you use it once?So he did his job, the intention was received and shared.Now keep it in a corner of the house, but certainly not in your wardrobe.

13 - Power pajamas

So let these old t-shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts or leggings already harassée die in peace have been so much day and you plan to recycle at night.You do not need to amortize them to the grave, nor keep them all in queue.Select your two favorites for fun, sort/throw others regularly, and invest once a year in a real nightie and a nice pajamas.

14 - Sexy nightie

Because we know it, the story.It won't go well.Provoke, perhaps, a slightly fun start of the evening.Then, the lace will scratch you all night, the hem go up in your breasts, and in the morning, you will not dare to get out of bed in front of your children.Bad investment.

15 - The bare back sweater

Voir plus haut, « le col roulé sans manches»».

16 - The contrasting scarf

A cultural misunderstanding that continues.A scarf/stole/scarf is not used to contrast with the rest of your look but echo with him.By a recall of color, by a harmonious association of shades or prints, or downright in tone on tone.The lively or clear scarf to brighten up a dark outfit, it is just a big chromatic pâté that will sow visually, and vampirize your silhouette.

17 - Ends of ear

It’s pretty until you notice your lobes, dangerously grazing your shoulders.The more voluminous your earrings, the more light the model must be fine, so as not to torture the flesh.Except, of course, if you are a follower of the lenders.

18 - The hat because we have a hat head

Ok, so?Head to hat does not mean hat look.If you are fabulous up to the chin but after nothing is going well, it's worse than a mess.Everyone notices your Galurin, you feel weird, even a little zero not to do him justice.You might as well bet on a cap, easier to melt in a silhouette.

19 - The tights and socks that clash

Once a year, it takes you, go presto, you offer yourself a colored tights to brighten up your little black dresses, or a stock of red socks since you see it regularly on this graying instagrammer.And you bring the wolf into the sheepfold.These promising accessories on paper will especially cause you from the brain knots, if you want to dose them while keeping general harmony.With the same punishment as for the head to hat: a feeling of unprecedented potential and vague personal nullity.So except to want to devote a lot of mental space and fittings, make it simpler.A subtle plumetis on black tights, a discreet lurex on basic socks, it will already be not bad.

20 - The top beige mastic

The beige is a snack in every sense of the word for pale skins, which they devitalize.By adding the grayish tone of the putty, you take a first leg for Zombieland.This deceitful shade is reserved for the darkest epiderms, alone to be able to wear them in majesty.Or is distant from the face as much as possible, by intercounting another color at the neck.

21 - Teleworking jogging

If you don't already have one, you've thought about it, admit.But beware, the shade jogging is like pajamas: these clothes that we wear without witness participate in self -esteem and build our identity.If you want to ensure your next visio at the bottom of the tracksuits, opt for a model worthy of going out on the street.In velvet, in a precious or joyful shade, structured by a blazer or a trench.The casual?Your first luxury.

22 - The sweater of your guy

Take refuge in your man's closet.Of course, the gesture is charming.This is the subtext that poses a problem: is your wardrobe for you so much of this point in comfortable and benevolent clothes?When we put these criteria at the center of your clothing priorities, you no longer need to recharge your batteries in clothes that have already lived too much or are cut for others.This Doudou wardrobe that does not let go of the look, you deserve it, just for you.