8 benefits of CBD infusions & herbal teas

Did you know that hemp tea is a healthier alternative to inhaling, and has its own benefits too? CBD - or cannabidiol - is consumed in several forms (oils, capsules, etc.), but in infusions and herbal teas it also allows you to benefit from all the good sides of the green plant. This use has even been widespread for thousands of years, whether for therapeutic or well-being purposes. Focus on the benefits of this green nugget in infusions and herbal teas.

Remember that contrary to what it might seem, the components of CBD are not harmful. It is not a drug, it does not "high" and therefore does not create addiction.

1 - Reduction of pain

This is one of the main reasons people choose to consume CBD infusions and herbal teas. Thanks to its analgesic properties, CBD acts as a real painkiller but without the side effects of drug treatments. The actives can have very long-lasting effects: for 4 to 8 hours (the peak is around 2-3 hours after ingestion). For maximum absorption, drink your CBD herbal tea on an empty stomach.

Due to its slow action, it can thus be particularly useful for people with chronic or acute joint, muscle and bone pain, such as cancer, AIDS, MS and or rheumatoid arthritis. Make sure you get CBD from responsible, natural, organic farming if possible, and grown in Europe.

2 - Facilitates digestion

CBD herbal tea relieves cramps and heartburn, reduces acid reflux, and prevents constipation and diarrhea. For people with gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS and Crohn's disease, this can be a real relief.

8 bienfaits des infusions & tisanes au CBD

When you inhale or vaporize cannabis, the compounds go directly to your brain. With CBD herbal tea, they go into your digestive system and more specifically stimulate the endocannabinoid receptors on the inner walls.

3 - Reduces stress and anxiety

Studies show that cannabis contains powerful neuroprotective properties and plays a major role in regulating emotional behavior. Indeed, it contains antioxidants that help repair cells and protect them. And then, what could be more comforting than a good hot CBD herbal tea to find inner calm?

4 - Has an anti-inflammatory action

CBD helps relieve the symptoms associated with certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis. It strengthens the immune system and significantly reduces inflammation. Inflammation of the brain is also one of the main causes of depression which is countered by the molecules present in CBD herbal tea.

5 - Improves Lung Health

Unlike tobacco, cannabis acts as a bronchodilator. It decreases resistance in the airway and increases airflow. CBD herbal tea can therefore be particularly beneficial for people who have respiratory problems.

6 - Protects the brain

More specifically, it prevents cognitive decline. This is the reason why it can be used to help people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. CBD can help reduce the intensity of seizures, pain and live better with this type of neurological disease. Thus, consuming a CBD herbal tea can contribute to the protection of your neurons in a natural way.

7 - Promotes heart health

According to a study, published in the journal "Pharmacological Research", cannabinoids lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. Cannabis opens the arteries, relaxes them and widens them. Which is very beneficial in avoiding high blood pressure and heart attacks.

8 - Relieves Nausea Symptoms

Many people, especially those undergoing chemotherapy, experience morning sickness or nausea throughout the day. CBD herbal tea can reduce bouts of nausea and also increase appetite.

To make the most of this comforting moment, feel free to add milk or spices to your CBD infusion. Have you ever tried hemp in tea form? Tell us about your experience on the forum.