Adixia (LMvsMonde6) very sexy in these photos in lingerie, the reality TV candidates react

Adixia Follow Posted by Vanessa Rle . Credits: Instagram adixia, adixiaxsimon, fratinidelphine, frederic_sanna, lionelarj, jenypreston, angelikotik

Adixia posted pictures of herself in lingerie. What made the candidates of reality tv react.

Adixia and Simon soon parents? But before pampering, the couple takes advantage of every moment together. Moreover, we have noticed that since they left the filming of the Marseillais vs the rest of World 6, they had become inseparable! And since we're talking about Adixia in this article, know that she has just raised the temperature on her Instagram account. On the social network, she has just posted some photos of herself where she poses in lingerie as part of a product placement... And she gave a little nod to the Christmas period that she loves so much. Photos that we invite you to discover by going a little further down in this article.

And the photos of the young Belgian made some reality TV candidates react . This is the case of Laura Lempika who commented: “Magnificently beautiful”. Océane El Himer, Maeva Ghennam, Carla Moreau and Maddy all liked their comrade's Instagram post. For his part, Simon Castaldi did not react … Neither on the side of the comments, nor even on the side of the likes! It only remains to know why he is silent... Is it because he does not endorse these photos? This is a case to follow!

Internet users also react

Adixia (LMvsMonde6) très sexy sur ces photos en lingerie, les candidats de télé-réalité réagissent

The reality TV contestants aren't the only ones to react to Adixia's Instagram post. Internet users have also been active on the comment side. Among the messages that were posted, we could read: "How beautiful you are !!! (...) Sublime ❤️ (...) Very charming ❤️❤️❤️ (...) Beautiful Adixia , a bomb (...) The second photo is incredible (...) My God, what a beauty". Photos that have also been very liked by Internet users. It is therefore a great success for Adixia! In addition, Marine El Himer was cuckolded... An infidelity that she discovered live!

Other files: The Marseillais vs the rest of the world 6Comments