Alain Souchon and Françoise Souchon: a love story that lasts

Who is Françoise, Alain Souchon's wife?

Difficult to collect information on Alain Souchon's wife as the couple has been discreet for over 50 years.The singer has continued to reveal in the various interviews he has given that his partner did not want him to talk about her in the media.Even if we know that he is a husband filled since 1971, the interpreter of "Allô Maman Bobo" cultivates the mystery on his private life.

Alain Souchon still reveals that he nicknamed his wife, Françoise Villechevrolle, "Bellotte" for "Belle".He met Françoise in the 1970s while she was a student in natural sciences.The artist who is in the middle of a career, tries by all means to break into the music industry.Françoise then allows him to gain self -confidence and not to let go."Françoise brought it to arm arm," revealed a source close to the couple to L'Express.

On their meeting, the singer-songwriter even admits his "chance of not having come across an idiot.Françoise also allows him to keep his feet on the ground and impresses him with her intelligence."Well yes, it's a chance.You never know, with girls: it is enough that they have beautiful little ears and we let ourselves embark.Françoise has beautiful little ears and a great intelligence.In addition, she prepares me in steam beans, I who only feeds me with sandwiches and mcdo.", Continues Alain Souchon in an interview for L’Express, in 1999.

Alain Souchon and Françoise Souchon: at what age did they meet?

Alain Souchon married Françoise in November 1971, after two years of relationship.Lovers meet, in fact, in 1969.The artist is then 25 years old.The singer, however very romantic, rarely confides in the way he fell in love with his "Bellotte"."I told her nonsense, things that amused her!"She found it to be funny and she saw me the next day.That's what they want, girls: let's amuse them!I was lucky because she is very pretty and very intelligent...", Reveals Laurent Voulzy's Friend at La Dépêche still.Fr.

Alain Souchon et Françoise Souchon: une histoire d’amour qui dure

Alain Souchon is impressed by the spirit of Françoise."My wife helped me a lot because she was an intellectual, a girl who studied biologies, when I did not have the bac.Now to see that I liked him, while I was like a va-no-pied, it gave me courage, "recalls the interpreter of" jealous of the sun "in the columns of Femina version, in 2019

A year after their marriage, Alain and Françoise have their first child: Pierre.Their younger, Charles, was born in 1978.The souchon sons are today, artists.Their big family today allows the couple to remain united."It's difficult at times, we get a little annoyed, but there are more important things for us.First of all, we have children who weigh us a lot, and grandsons.It's amazing.They call me Patela and look at me saying to me: 'Patela, you have a big red nose!», Confears further Alain Souchon.

Françoise Souchon and Alain Souchon live happy in Paris

Alain and Françoise Souchon would today be installed in Paris.They have long lived in Loir-et-Cher where they were known for their charity commitment.Before having a house in the region, the couple raised their children in the capital.

Alain Souchon also remains very attached to Brittany.He also has a house in the Trinity."I have been going to Brittany since I was very small.With my parents, we rented a house every year, in Saint-Cast, in Quimperlé, in Vannes ... I have lots of childhood memories.(...) With my wife, we offered ourselves a house at the Trinity thanks to the money on a tour twenty years ago.We are 20 meters from the sea and, at the same time, behind the customs trail, we are quiet.We have a chimney, very big.», He admits to Femina version.

He is fortunate to be able to enjoy nautical pleasures and likes to recharge his batteries with family and friends in particular with his boyfriend Laurent Voulzy."When you get a boat trip, you are soaked, frozen because of the wind, you make fire and it's great.What I like is that it is a physically powerful place, with rocks, a strong sea, moors and, at the same time, it is very spiritual, very evaporated, it is full of fairies everywhere.As soon as we take a step, there is a fairy!I go there three times a year, especially from July 15 to August 25.", Unveils the interpreter of" never happy ".

The couple also dreams of elsewhere.During an interview with Elle magazine, Souchon spoke of the fact that his wife reproached him for being "grumpy" and ended up entrusting "what would be good is that we go to settle in Italy".

But then what is the secret of lovers to hold over 50 years together?Do they say to themselves "I love you" regularly? "That doesn't look at you!It's a secret.But I never thought that to love each other, just repeat it all the time.It's even exasperating.», He confides in amused to Marie Claire.