Anti-aging: how to gain healthy years?

© Getty Images 1/6 - Move every day Dr Christophe Delong, sports doctor, advises "to run with a pulse that rises to 120 -140 per minute (no more) for 20 to 25 minutes, three times a week, and to do 20 minutes of exercise every day, not necessarily in a row." Walking fast, climbing stairs, jumping rope... As soon as you move regularly, the benefits are immense. By Dr Dominique Pierrat and Marie-Christine Deprund

To stay young, you just have to stay in tune with your body and your mind. Easy to say ? Easy to do, too, with these simple and sometimes surprising tips from preventive medicine specialists.

A slow beating heart, low blood pressure, stable weight are recognized longevity factors. You can inherit it, but that's no reason to think you're invulnerable... You can also favor situations that favor them. According to specialists, 25% of the factors explaining longevity come from genes, against 75% from lifestyle and the environment. Keeping a body and a head in good working order, without necessarily doing push-ups every morning, or fasting every other day or swallowing hormones all year round, it's possible!

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Do 20 minutes of exercise every day

Sports activity is a good way to improve your cognitive abilities. By playing sports, we secrete a hormone (known as a peptide), which promotes neuronal connections and triggers the production of euphoric amphetamines. Provided you practice moderate and regular exercises, much more effective than sustained but occasional efforts.

Go on a diet regularly

"Intermittent fasting may have some of the benefits of fasting seen in animals for humans, such as longevity, cell protection, as well as an antidiabetic effect," says a study from the University of Florida. Without going so far as to cut out food (or water!), you can take it easy one day a week, if possible always the same. Madeleine Gesta, a detox pioneer, recommended a diet based on tea and honey yogurt.

Don't eat too much protein

"We eat too much red meat", notes Dr. Catherine Serfaty-Lacrosnière, nutritionist. It is better to garnish your plate with chicken, fish or vegetable proteins (tofu, lentils, legumes) and eat only one steak per week. Under 60, provide two servings of protein per day (poultry, fish... midday and evening) to avoid muscle wasting and take advantage of their satiating effect. After 60 years, still protein, for the muscles, but only one portion a day, in order to limit the toxins due to their degradation and to relieve the kidneys.

Use your brain... even in front of the TV!

Anti-âge : comment gagner des années en bonne santé ?

The brain is a vast network of 100 billion neurons, interconnected by 200,000 connections. "If we can hardly increase their number, it is easy to constantly improve the performance of those who remain to us", explains Dr Olivier de Ladoucette, gerontologist. And keeping your mind sharp is easy. We read, we adopt creative hobbies and, even in front of the TV, we stay active: we analyze this series that we love, we follow the plot. And we don't shun games that require tricks. Let it be said: "Questions for a champion" is not reserved for old ladies!

Cultivate your personality

Trying to look young, it's old! According to Marie de Hennezel, psychotherapist, imitating young people immediately sticks you for years longer. It is better not to imitate anyone and cultivate your own personality, accepting the changes that life brings us, in a positive and dynamic way. When this is not possible, a few psychotherapy sessions can help to evacuate the anxieties of the past to turn to the future.

Leave room for others

“One of the secrets of youth is a quality relationship life. Provided you see people for whom you have affection,” insists Dr. de Ladoucette. Friendly relationships, like love, allow the secretion of hormones such as oxytocin, the hormone of attachment and happiness, essential against stress and anxiety, the devastating effects of which we know on our body.

2 exercises to do every night

Going through phases of destruction and reconstruction, the bone only wears out if it is not used. It needs to meet some resistance and constraints to renew its cells.

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© Getty Images 2/6 - Fast every week Dr. Nadia Volf, Chinese medicine specialist, recommends a day of fruit juice to lighten the digestive system while replenishing vitamins. She favors fresh pineapple juice rich in vitamins A, E and C, potassium, phosphorus and manganese. Added a little pressed ginger root, tonic and antiseptic, which stimulates gastric secretions. In the end, no fatigue, but a feeling of lightness. Discover 5 good reasons to try intermittent fasting© Getty Images 3/6 - Take silence cures Half of French people feel bothered by noise at certain times in their lives. However, this constant exposure to aggressive noise damages our ears and therefore risks causing early hearing problems. Basic preventive measures? Lower the sound in the earphones, put on earplugs when the sound level rises. The other good idea, advocated on National Hearing Day, is to take “hearing breaks”, that is to say moments of silence, without radio or music. Restful for the ears and conducive to serenity. © Getty Images 4/6 - Rehabilitate the siesta Dr de Ladoucette regrets it: our way of life does not take enough account of the benefits of the siesta, especially from the age of 50. Because it is by sleeping that the brain repairs itself. When we have not slept well at night, we take a nap. The right attitude: imitate the dog. Lie down and relax for 20 to 40 minutes, no more, relaxed but not deeply asleep. © Getty Images 5/6 - Strengthen your feet They are what carry us, ensure our walking and guarantee our balance. In short, when their musculature decreases, the feet falter and we age ten years! So, we also think of them and build them up every night. A simple exercise can strengthen them: standing, feet flat, bring the toes back, keeping them straight (not in claws) towards the heel. In practice, this amounts to bulging the arch of the foot to strengthen its tone.© Getty Images 6/6 - Dance together Waltz, rock, tango... Dancing together, we meet people, we learn to communicate, we live the emotion of the music, and we work on the balance, the rhythm... Above all, dancing in pairs allows you to acquire and maintain perfect posture. Previous Next

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