Clean automobile advises you for the purchase of your load equipment

The clean automotive online store is developing and our team now welcomes Sébastien, passionate electric car driver since 2013, to improve customer support and advice.


Which cable to choose to recharge on the Autolib terminals?Do I really have to equip myself with a charging station?Do I rather buy a type 2 or type 3 cable?

Here are some of the questions that are most asked in the support of the clean automotive shop, which markets various products for the recharge of electric cars.With sales growth, it became important to have a person dedicated to shop management and customer support.

This is why Sébastien, that you have already seen on certain videos relating to the Maxicharger, has just joined our team.Electronician by training, he started to have interest in electric cars when he was looking for a more economical mobility solution: "Electricity quickly seemed to me to be a simple and affordable solution!In addition, the idea of riding in a vehicle whose operation would have a little less secrets for me than a thermal vehicle was rather stimulating ".

Automobile Propre vous conseille pour l’achat de votre matériel de charge

At the wheel of his Zoe that he has owned since 2013, he regularly achieves "big trips".This is what motivated him to work on the design of the Maxicharger with our partner S4 Services.This charging box allows you to use adapters compatible with most of the sockets you can find on your way!

Sébastien will now be your contact with technical and commercial support for the online store (by phone or email during office hours).He will obviously be able to advise you on the choice of your cables and your load equipment, but also on the questions in terms of electrical installation.

With the arrival of Sébastien, the goal is to develop sales of our online store.They participate in the financing of clean automobiles and our team, do not hesitate to order there to support the site :-)