Bobo/Urban Mobility: A truck dumps its cargo in front of the Ouezzin High School - L'EXPRESS DU FASO

Urban mobility week makes traffic problems in Bobo more visible and raises awareness about driving carefully and respecting standards. Another blatant case took place this Saturday evening just in front of the Lyce Ouezzin Coulibaly.

According to the witnesses we found on the spot, half an hour after the fact, it was around 3 p.m. this Saturday, May 29, 2021 that the dangerous incident occurred. Just after the traffic light at the Ouezzin Coulibaly high school, a truck gave way under the weight of its overload, which completely spilled onto the roadway less than ten meters from the walls of the educational establishment.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of boxes containing spare parts ended up on the ground and in the gutters. The packaging of this merchandise above the vehicle formed a “real mountain”. The national police quickly secured the area to ease traffic on this busy road, but the agents did not want to tell us more. However, the testimony of two ladies recorded on the spot by the police situates the circumstances of the facts a little.

Bobo/Mobilité urbaine : Un camion déverse sa cargaison devant le Lycée Ouezzin - L'EXPRESS DU FASO

They were stopped there, under these shady trees, waiting for someone else. During their chat, the first notices the truck which arrives almost zigzagging and dangerously leaning on the right side. She just had time to tell her friend that the truck that had already arrived at their level gave way under the weight of its heavy load to lie on the road. In the panic, each of the residents and users heads in the safest direction for them.

The two ladies try to climb the high school wall and one of them slightly hurts her face. The motorcycle that they had to abandon hurriedly finds itself completely covered by the boxes, as well as the equipment of the mechanic of two wheels installed on the spot. ”It's a thanksgiving! Repeat the two girlfriends whose husbands have come to join them”. Because they actually had a narrow escape! But God also wants us to be more careful behind the wheel and in traffic!

Sibiri SANOU