Camille Sexy deer in underwear and rollerblades… She melts Internet users!

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Publié par Jessy le 11 Juin 2021 à 22:23

Camille Cerf continues to make Internet users dream through her stories and publications on social networks.Recently, the former Miss France made Internet users crack on the Pomm’Poire account, which sells lingerie for women.

White and rollerbladed, Camille Cerf reminds us of the 80s all in finesse and lightness.

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Camille Cerf: This photo that melts her fans!

It is not common to see Camille Cerf pose in lingerie.Quite modest on her social networks with regard to her body, the young woman prefers to share her daily old Miss France with her fans.But for a few days, Internet users can discover Camille Cerf in underwear, in different positions.

On June 9, the young woman shared a photo of her in green lingerie, on an armchair.Sweetness, color and an angel face to present the new collection of which it is the face: Pomm’Poire.On June 11, it was the official account @pomm’poire that shared a cliché of Camille Cerf in white lingerie and roller.Fans of the brand and the young woman were quickly won over by the photo.

Camille Cerf sexy en sous-vêtements et rollers… Elle fait fondre les internautes !

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Pomm’Poire advocates the positive body!

Camille Cerf has been a model for the female underwear brand Pomm’Poire for several years.Although the name can smile, it is not trivial.Indeed, the brand was created to highlight the positive body and all the morphologies.

"You have to stop addressing a single type of morphology and start to love all bodies: thin, rounds, luscious, young, older ..." says Anne Montaye, the creator of the brand, on herwebsite.And it is in this dynamic to enhance all the bodies that Camille Cerf agrees to pose in different models of underwear for women.

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Source : @Pomm’Poire

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