These badass influencers who bring down the acne complex

Dismantling ideals of beauty is a daily struggle. While some influencers emphasize body positivism, which is meant to celebrate women in all their diversity, others encourage "skin positivism" by advocating acne acceptance and self-love. A speech that does good. And for that alone, it is clearly time to celebrate them.

Kali Kushner aka @myfacefactory

The 22-year-old Instagrammer fell victim to cystic acne overnight in 2014, a late-onset and painful form of acne. Long complexed by the pimples on her face, Kali Kushner not only found a treatment to reduce acne breakouts, but also decided not to hide. She thus made the buzz by showing the obvious before / after of the evolution of her treatment, which left her with marked skin.

Better, she reveals a very positive speech, affirming that she was as beautiful before with her buttons as now. "Acne is so seen as something shameful in our society and having beautiful skin is synonymous with absolute beauty. (...) People think that if you have acne it's because you are dirty or because you don't wash your face... but it has to do with hormones, sugar, blood and genes". So it should never be a shame.