Chigger sting: what to do?

mite bites: avoiding and treating them

In summer, the little critters are our worst enemies. But if there is one that particularly annoys us, it is the chigger, a small red mite! How to recognize a pimple caused by a chigger bite? How to soothe the sting? Medicines, essential oils… Santé Magazine gives you solutions.Chigger sting: what to do? Chigger sting: what to do?

Chiggers belong to the mite family. The adult is harmless, it is the larva which arrives silently and inflicts a painful bite on us. Barely visible to the naked eye, these red larvae are found in lawns, shaded areas, orchards and near wetlands (ponds, swimming pools, etc.)

How to recognize a chigger bite

When the chigger larva bites us, it injects its saliva which will trigger the following symptoms:

Chigger Sting: What to do?

After the bite, the larva remains in place for some time and ends up unhooking, sometimes after several hours to bury itself in the ground, waiting for its new prey.

To know: the dust mite likes moist and covered areas of the skin (groin, armpits, behind the knees, the elastic of a brief, a bra strap, etc.).

The chigger bite generates the same symptoms as the mosquito bite, but the itching can persist beyond a week.

How to protect yourself effectively against these mites

To avoid bites, wear long, covering clothing for any walk in the forest. And set up your picnic on a blanket...

You can also use repellents, available in pharmacies:

I got stung by a chigger. What to do?

Natural solutions that soothe

In case of severe itching

If the itching, pain or swelling is severe, ask your pharmacist for advice, who can recommend a cortisone-based cream, sometimes with lidocaine added, and oral antihistamine treatment (cetirizine-based or loratadine). Also consider a homeopathic antihistamine, such as Apis 9 CH.

What you should not do: scratch, because you risk superinfecting the pimples and leaving a scar.

In which cases should you consult?

Also read
Tina Géréral, pharmacist, Pharmacist - health journalist
Updated article
In the folder Bites of dust mites: avoiding them and treating them