Cilou: “Spirituality nourishes my way of creating”

Because she always writes a song “with the clip that will accompany it in her head”, Cilou wants people to talk about her as “a singer, screenwriter and director”. Native of Clermont-Ferrand, the young woman recently made herself known thanks to two clips on Youtube, “En stop” and “Joyeux”. The second is an ode to difference where Cilou evokes the issue of disability. Posted on March 21, 2021 for World Down Syndrome Day, the video flirts six months later with 200,000 views. His talent for staging also showed through his cover clip of the soundtrack of the series "Peaky Blinders", in a perfectly authentic setting.

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With "song as a vocation", Cilou likes "to feed on the experience of the people he meets to transcribe it into music and images". For "Joyeux", she went to meet a young child with Down's syndrome and his parents. She immersed herself in her childhood memories and those moments spent with her family in the service of “an association for the disabled”. Later, the artist was able to exchange with Yann Bucaille, creator of Cafés Joyeux. Cilou's clip ends precisely in one of the five establishments open in France.

Cilou's "Joyeux" clip, on children with Down's syndrome:

Far from the cliché of the bohemian artist, this fan of Linda Lemay went through Edhec, in Lille, and worked for a year at Danone in the “strategic marketing division”, before embarking on an artistic career. Extremely needy, the young woman with the velvety voice does not let go of a text until the words have found their rightful place. “I tend to want to control everything! »

Indeed, Cilou knows what she wants. And what she doesn't want. What the 27-year-old singer wants to talk about. And what she will keep in the private sphere. Things from above sometimes surface in his titles. This is the case in "Giant Ideas", which evokes the story of a man "reconciled with Heaven and himself". What she believes in, she prefers not to reveal outside of her family and friendly circles. But agrees to admit: “Spirituality nourishes my way of creating. »

The cover of the Peaky Blinders soundtrack by Cilou:

Cilou in 14 questions:

What is your main character trait?

Enthusiasm. I am often reproached for it.

Your main flaw?

Wanting to control everything... On par with my total lack of notion of orders of magnitude!

Your favorite occupation?

Eat sushi. Or lock myself in my room to compose! But not both at the same time, no soy sauce on my guitar...

Your dream of happiness?

I dreamed of everything I live today, so my dream of happiness... is now!

What would you like to be?

"A voice that resounds in the dark" (excerpt from the title "All Giving").

Which color do you prefer?

Bordeaux red (especially when you can drink it!).

Your favorite prose writers?

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Laurent Gounelle.

Your favorite hero in fiction?

Peter Pan for the child's soul... Even if he doesn't sing.

Your favorite heroine in fiction?

Anastasia. And, in addition, she sings!

Your favorite composers or singers?

Linda Lemay, Arcadian, Chopin and Freddie Mercury.

The country where you would like to live?

Two countries made me born as a singer: France where I grew up, and Indonesia where I composed for the first time with young people from slums, during a volunteering with the NGO Life Project 4 Youth .

How would you like to die?


Your current state of mind?

Passionate and combative.

Your currency ?

Feet on the ground, head in the stars!