Clever genome

Reading time: 15 min

Summary of previous episodes:

Ghislain began his totem career by developing partnerships with private companies.He also understood how to use his millions of subscribers to put pressure on the algorithm and get what he wants, or almost.Najwa despairs of this drift, but as long as Ghislain's proposals represent savings for the taxpayer, Pivi tends to validate them.

“What scares the most is not reality.But what we imagine that she hides. ” - David Lynch, interview in Studio, December 2001

Ghislain removes the connected glasses from the nose of his children and slips them into his pocket.Not of that during the visit of the Ministry of Communication.Yacinthe and Lazarus do not protest and follow suit with their father.As he engages in the corridor, he admits to young visitors that he does not have much to show them: everything is dematerialized in this new world.There remain the decorations of the old, the tapestries of the Alechinsky lounge, the busts and the candelabras of the Jérôme show ... Not what, admits Ghislain, excite children.His phone does not stop vibrating, he takes a look.Four calls in the absence of Samran.At the fifth, Ghislain wins.

SamranAlors, vous avez réfléchi à ma proposition?
GhislainJe suis avec mes enfants, je vous rappelle plus tard.

Lazare is lagging behind, Ghislain must wait for him for fear that he will not get lost in the corridors.Yacinthe asks where exactly, Ghislain sighs that he would like to know.

"And here is my office, with a view of the courtyard of the Palais-Royal."The elder approaches the window to observe the columns of Buren.His grandson imitates him."Not fingers on the windows," growls Ghislain, joining his chair.He goes up his messages.Yacinthe asks what these black and white pylons are for different sizes for.To decorate, replies his father without looking up with his laptop.He hits Samran: “Never will people tolerate that we search their genome.Forget."Immediately the phone rings.Earth/Health's envoy wants to have this discussion orally.

SamranComment ça les gens sont contre? Mais c'est le sens du progrès!
GhislainJe comprends que pour Earth/Health, généraliser les tests ADN, ce serait le paradis. Vous sauriez qui est prédisposé à quelle maladie. Mais rendre le prélèvement obligatoire pour tous? Vous êtes fou. Trop impopulaire, je passe mon tour, merci.
SamranPourquoi, impopulaire? Il y a quelques années, les malades auraient donné des fortunes pour pouvoir accéder à ces informations. C'était un rêve. Un exploit scientifique. Vous savez combien a coûté le premier séquençage d'un génome humain, en 2004? 2,7 milliards de dollars. Pour un fœtus, le même acte est aujourd'hui facturé 70 dollars, à partir d'une simple prise de sang maternel.

Yacinthe sits on the chair against Ghislain.Lazarus remains standing.He had to launch a film on his connected glasses, to stay frozen on the spot the dazed air.

GhislainÇa reste du fichage. Le pire fichage possible.
SamranEt sauver des vies, alors? Avec l'ADN, les soignants savent à quoi s'en tenir: thrombœmbolie veineuse, maladie de Crohn, épilepsie, accidents cérébrovasculaires… Le test apporte un éclairage sans ombre sur le futur état de santé du patient et sa sensibilité aux différents traitements. Y a pas plus complet! Pourquoi s'en passer?
GhislainParce que ce test n'est pas un banal check-up chez le généraliste. On y apprend de quoi on va sans doute mourir. Vous imaginez les conséquences psychologiques? Et les accusations de flicage! Les gens vont péter un plomb et ils auront raison. Vous allez me griller avec vos conneries, lâchez-moi un peu.

Ghislain hangs up and turns the chair back, sighing.

YacinthePourquoi t'es plus à l'Élysée?
LazareOuais, c'était mieux, l'Élysée.

Ghislain jumps.He had forgotten that his children were present.He looks at them for a second, amused.

GhislainLe Palais-Royal ne leur suffit pas, mes héritiers préfèrent l'Élysée… Vous savez quoi? Moi aussi. Mais le chef, Van Buiten, il n'y a que la com' qui l'intéresse, alors il s'est installé au ministère de la Communication. Logique.

Najwa enters without hitting, arms loaded with files.

GhislainAttention les enfants, voilà mon assistante, elle mord!
NajwaNon, pas assistante, non. Cheffe de cabinet. Bonjour.

Children, correct in all circumstances, make him hello but do not understand too much.Better to say assistant, right?Najwa puts the files on Ghislain's desk by sighing.

NajwaEt ça, ce sont les énormes piles que je trimballe parce que monsieur votre père est un relou qui ne lit pas sur les écrans et exige qu'on lui imprime tout sur papier.

Yacinthe and Lazare, planted in the room like Ficus, dare not answer anything.Or they have already left in their film, or they listen to music without headphones, directly by the vibrant branches of the connected glasses, on the bone.The technique is repugnant Ghislain, why no longer use this brave ear that rarely betrayed?A wax cap, some otitis, little if we consider all their years of service ... The human of today would like to abandon some of its members as a cocker spaniel on the holiday route.The decline of civilizations, according to Ghislain, thus begins.With two vegetables with erect glasses on the carpet.


Internet does not make it stupid, it makes "meta-unusual"

NajwaGhislain, ils sont adorables, mais il faut qu'on parle de votre vidéo sur la suppression des directeurs d'hôpitaux publics, ça va pas du tout…
GhislainPubliez d'abord quelques images de moi avec les mioches dans le bureau, vous serez gentille.
NajwaJe suis pas là pour vos photos de famille. Si vraiment vous voulez une séquence intimiste, on prendra rendez-vous avec un pro.
GhislainAu contraire. Pas de pro. Sur le vif. Pour le web. À la Obama. À la Kennedy.
NajwaKennedy exposait ses enfants sur les réseaux sociaux?
GhislainNe chipotez pas, j'ai organisé leur visite rien que pour ça.

Najwa understands in front of her limited smile that she will draw nothing before having published her damn shot.She takes out her cell phone.

NajwaUne seule, rapide.
GhislainYacinthe, Lazare, enlevez vos lunettes, souriez! La méchante dame va nous prendre en photo.

Génome clivant

Najwa fell two steps to frame the trio.The father on one side behind his desk, the immobile children on the other.

NajwaBah, faites un truc.
NajwaJe sais pas, n'importe quoi. Faites au moins semblant de parler.

Nothing.After a while, Lazarus lifts a hand in the direction of her father.Najwa immortalizes the moment and checks the result.The bay window creates a counter-day that highlights the big void in the center of the composition.

NajwaOn verra plus tard si on la poste. L'histoire des hôpitaux est plus urgente. Ghislain, vous n'avez rien dit pour la disparitions des directeurs de musées, ni ceux des centres culturels, et soudain vous diffusez trois minutes où vous traitez Pivi de danger public?
GhislainVous devriez déjà vous réjouir que, de temps en temps, mes positions rejoignent celles de Pivi. Franchement, les directeurs de centre culturel… On ne sait même pas quel était leur boulot. Si un ordi peut le faire et nous programmer autre chose que des artistes communistes, j'applaudis. Mais la santé est une limite à ne pas franchir. Un hôpital sans directeur, c'est non.
NajwaMais pourquoi?
GhislainPour des questions légales, déjà, de responsabilité, en cas de pépin…
NajwaParce que vous croyez qu'on envoie un directeur en taule à chaque erreur médicale? N'importe quoi. En cas de pépin, comme vous dites, ce sera exactement pareil qu'aujourd'hui: une armée d'avocats et des compensations financières.
GhislainLes soins doivent rester humains, point barre.
NajwaArrêtez votre cinéma. Quand vous allez vous faire opérer, c'est pas le directeur qui vous reçoit. Les infirmières et les chirurgiens seront toujours là. Je suis sûre que c'est vos petits copains d'Earth/Health qui vous ont demandé de monter au créneau. Sans directeur, ils n'auraient plus de patte à graisser pour fourguer leur camelote…

Ghislain seems to remember the presence of his children suddenly, gives them a big smile and launches in a honeyed voice.

GhislainPardon les enfants, je vous avais prévenus, Najwa n'est pas marrante avec ses histoires. Elle va faire une petite pause et vous appeler un taxi, que vous puissiez retrouver votre mère.

Najwa shot him but says nothing.By signifying loudly her refusal to take care of it, she fears to add to the infinite sadness that already emanates from these kids.They each place their turn a kiss without emphasis on their father's cheek before obediently following the corridors their colleague with a strange title.Convinced that they will wait for their taxi just as calmly, she asks the entrance hall security agent to monitor them while they wait.It's not mean, it's factual, Najwa can no longer bear their little eyes on her and their creepy silence.She goes up in her office without turning around.

The kids are right, the totem should move in to the Élysée.It would have a face.Ghislain will slip a word into his videos, the comments will swell, a few dramatic allusions and in two weeks he is there.The "stroke of emotion", unstoppable.He smooths his hair back by climbing the third floor, that of technicians.He asked to review Andréa, the one who, during the previous meetings, seemed to him the clearest and most patient.Someone will end up revealing a fault in this system ... Ghislain took the stairs to stay in shape, he regrets.The thighs pull him from the half-alternative.

Andréa, in a military attire revisited in graffiti, serves him a tea as if she received him in her living room.Ghislain observes his tattoos by being explained once again the division of labor.Those who ensure that the data of users goes up properly from Whhuzz work here, on the third floor.Those who manage the servers that store this data are in Ireland, almost no server is in France.Those who verify that all of this data remain available, establish for this bridges and priorities are also based in Ireland, finally, no doubt, Andréa is not sure.


Facebook wants to take care of your health?Attention danger!

Those who imagine how to exploit this data work on the first floor with Van Buiten.Those who translate this in code are the stars of the second floor, eclipping their neighbors, those who check that their lines of code are in line with those of the system already in force.Ghislain stops the handpiece: "I may try to assimilate all the details ... No one has an overview of the algorithm?"Andréa laughs, the answer is obviously not.Ghislain sighs.He thinks he touches him a word from the move to the Élysée, but by taking out his cell phone to consult the time, he sees that Samran called him several times.Without leaving a message, as usual.Ghislain apologizes to Andréa.Despite the young woman's military outfit, he will break the ranks.From the third floor, the whirlwind of the large staircases with checkered has given it a slight dizziness.

GhislainVous allez vite me saoulez à me déranger tout le temps, Samran. Faudrait pas que ça vire au harcèlement, votre affaire.
SamranJ'ai une excellente nouvelle pour vous. Il y a eu un conseil d'administration d'Earth/Health.
SamranSi vous parvenez à systématiser les tests ADN, ils sont prêts à vous offrir mieux que de l'argent: un parachute. Un poste. Pour après.
GhislainPour après quoi? Sans moi, je vous ai dit. Séquencer le génome de tous les fœtus, vous êtes pas bien? Et soumettre toute la population à un prélèvement? Mais sur quelle planète vivez-vous? Ça ne passera jamais.
SamranGhislain… C'est maintenant ou jamais. Pour Earth/Health comme pour vous. Cette histoire de Totem ne va pas durer, c'est une question de jours, peut-être d'heures, vous n'en savez rien. Vous ferez quoi, après? Vous retournerez à vos vidéos en ligne?

Ghislain does not answer anything, sticks to the thick stone railing to let a group of technicians pass.

SamranLe poste dont je vous parlais, Ghislain, le poste que le bureau exécutif est prêt à vous offrir, c'est leur direction générale. DG d'Earth/Health France. Prise de poste effective dès la fin de votre mandat de Totem.

Ghislain remains supported by railing, dizzy by the checkerboard at his feet, unless it is by the proposal.

SamranLes compagnies d'assurances sont elles aussi intéressées par le projet, connaître le futur de leurs assurés, vous imaginez! Je sais de source sûre qu'elles se joindraient à nous pour vous verser une prime démentielle si vous réussissiez ce coup d'éclat.
GhislainCe suicide politique, oui.
SamranMais non, vous êtes un chat, vous retomberez sur vos pattes.

For the moment, Ghislain Flagelle on the too large steps.He doesn't like calling on the stairs anyway, there is echo and too much ears lying around.

GhislainJe vous rappelle.

The night has long fallen on the Palais-Royal, Ghislain checks on his cell phone: half past two in the morning.He has not seen time pass, as in the great era of electoral campaigns.He would have liked to savor a few days of carefree success before considering the post-totem, but Samran is right, the future is played now.Instead of moving the totem to the Élysée, Ghislain should have sought to perpetuate it.He faces the bay window, the sleeves rolled up.He distinguishes in the distance the fountain, a clear spot in the dark of the gardens.The situation being what it is, fragile, ephemeral and to say it all incredible, Ghislain will grasp the pole set by Earth/Health.The question of this working evening was how.

The plan for Pivi is always the same, making him shift savings.With systematic DNA tests, finished consulting dozens of specialists in vain, care is effective and suitable.It should pass.With opinion, on the other hand ... Ghislain stood out in his chair and smooths his hair back.

The Ghislain de Neuville on the anti-vintage page would have yelled at the filing of our very essence, of our secret code, to the raw exhibition of our most buried intimacy.The Ghislain Totem will have to find something else ... He wanted to argue first.The suburbs are always tense, the army patrols in some, if everyone is stuck and the police have access to it, the rioters will laugh less, for sure.The videos of the clashes that circulate are impressive, even the French who live 500 kilometers from a city are afraid.The security aspect would have played.But the argument is double -edged: it is to admit direct that DNA can turn against its owner.

Ghislain will simply talk about the thousands of lives that it will save.Playing on the sensitive string, rare diseases, children taken care of in time for unsuspected pathologies ... Each DNA base represents twenty teraoctes of information which will still mutate two million times later, a whole life would not be enough toA biological brain to read it.Ghislain may not talk about progress, but establish the precise map of this bazaar, no one can deny that it is a mind-blowing feat.His argument will therefore be: hundreds of hundreds and, on a daily basis, for everyone, care courses established knowingly.With all the confidentiality and security required?Ghislain does not know anything but will swear without trembling that Pivi wins.

He takes his coat and goes out by taking a break under the Orleans gallery.Business manager?And why not?He has so often mocked these truck drivers and these nuclear workers who stood out not to retrain ... "You have to accept progress, make concessions, live with your time, leave this dead branch on which you fossilize", he said to the trade unionists.And in private, he added: "Frankly, when you have an uninteresting job paid a misery, why rejoil to change it?I know that they often only have their job to define themselves, but that of poorly placed sentimentalism among the stinks. ”He smiled when entering the sedan who awaits him despite the advanced hour.


Health data everywhere, medical confidence anywhere

Three days later, the ministry employees each spend a tent before going to work.Jean-Jacques Van Buiten asked them to be smiling and relaxed: television cameras document the event live.They are the first French people to let their DNA take, for the example.Once in the tent, the act is painless and fast.A white coat attendant scratches the interior of the cheeks with a large cotton swab provided for this purpose and returns the tube, stamped with a single-use barcode, towards distant regions.The results will return by email.

Ghislain arrived early, via the parking lot, to avoid cameras.The filing of genomes, he still struggles to speak to journalists without contradicting himself.He takes a look at the scene from the stairs window."Little glorious", he confesses when he saw the queue of sheep going to be mowed with their secrets.He sends a photo of the barnum to Samran, without comment.He receives in response an inch in the air and smiles by joining his office."The future is definitely very dark, it is better to spare a shelter."

Ghislain did not give up his desire to move in to the Elysée, but strangely, this claim does not take.He has trouble understanding.People commented online as usual, but Pivi does not embrace.Does he believe that basically the French not want to?It would be strange, Ghislain had them swallowed to a cotton swab for DNA samples, convincing them of a slight transfer should not be a problem.In reality, Ghislain fears that Pivi has corrected the flaw and no longer responds to the "emotion".Has the software repaired this on its own?Did Najwa warned Van Buiten who directly modified the code, or simply excludes from the radar the publications of Ghislain?The fact remains that the system seems less in a hurry to run behind each proposal of the totem.

The week ending, his fears are confirmed.Despite the countless comments caused by Ghislain, no Pivi reaction.He smooths his hair back, still rue de Valois.Over the years, he has learned to be careful about conspiracy and paranoia theories, he found another explanation for this failure than an intervention behind his back of Najwa, Van Buiten or PiviHimself: Maybe the Élysée is simply too expensive.Ghislain knows how stupid algorithm is, he undoubtedly has more lucrative plans for this real estate treasure.If only Ghislain had an overview ... He takes advantage of leaving a meeting on the third floor to pass to see Andréa, a detail.

She sports a small spring dress, huge doc martens laid down to the knees and multicolored headphones that she removes when she sees Ghislain enter.

GhislainÇa va? Je passe juste vous signaler un petit bug. J'ai reçu une notification urgente du système, suite aux tests ADN. Pour «déclaration de filiation obligatoire».
GhislainLe message est rédigé dans votre jargon technique: «filiation détectée parmi les collaborateurs», «présence d'une descendante directe sur votre lieu de travail», «remplir le formulaire ci-joint au plus vite», «attestation signée de non-conflit d'intérêts»...
AndréaOui, bah je ne vois pas de bug. Vous avez un enfant au ministère, faut le déclarer, c'est tout.
GhislainMais non! C'est juste que ma fille est venue me rendre visite il y a quelques jours. Elle a 13 ans, elle peut pas bosser là, il y a confusion. C'est pas grave, mais réglez ça.
AndréaVous me permettez de vérifier votre dossier? Vous avez votre badge?

He hands him, she passes it on a reader connected to the central unit.She pianotes her tattooed fingers.

AndréaAucun bug. Vous avez bien une fille parmi les personnels du ministère. Vous le saviez pas? Je clique pour voir son nom?
GhislainAttendez… La marge d'erreur est de combien?
AndréaOn parle de tests ADN, environ zéro pour cent. Vous ne voulez peut-être pas que je clique?

Ghislain smooths his hair back.The news seems so unrealistic to him that he can still smile.

GhislainC'est pas vous, au moins? Parce que tous ces piercings, là, ces tatouages… Ça barderait sévère, je vous préviens!
AndréaHa ha, aucun risque, je suis le portrait craché de mon père… Alors, je clique ou pas?

Dans le prochain épisode:Ghislain a perdu de son capital sympathie auprès des Français en soutenant la campagne de prélèvements ADN, mais il a connu pire. Plus inquiétant selon lui: son «coup de l'émotion» ne semble plus fonctionner. Bien plus urgent encore, cet enfant parmi les employés du ministère…