Closed beds, bloodless caregivers ... The executive is struggling to treat the public hospital

From the long emergency strike to the last controversy over the closed beds, the public hospital has lived in a state of permanent crisis for three years that even the billions of euros in the "health segur" fail to appease.

The situation even shows signs of aggravation: "a large number of vacant jobs" and "a large percentage of closed beds" evaluated at "around 20 %", stressed the scientific council in a notice given to the government in early October.Data questioned by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran who disputes "an erroneous figure".

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"In total, 6 % of the beds are closed" and "the phenomenon mainly affects Île-de-France, Grand Est, Burgundy-Franche Comté and Pays de la Loire," said the "Journal duSunday "of this November 7, the president of the French hospital federation (FHF) Frédéric Valletoux, revealing the results of a study by its organization.

The Minister himself commanded a "most exhaustive possible" study on the subject.According to his cabinet, he will still be too early for he can announce the results on Tuesday, during his visit to the annual show of the France Hospital Federation (FHF).But everything indicates that "the situation is tense" and that it will "last in the coming weeks".

The executive sees as a post-Cavid decompensation: after 20 months of health crisis, "health personnel are tired, there are resignations, absences (...) which lead to tensions and closings of certain beds", summarizes Jean Castex.

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Lits fermés, soignants exsangues… L’exécutif peine à soigner l’hôpital public

But the symptoms were noticeable before, at least since the emergency strike in spring 2019 which had lasted all summer and then extended to the whole hospital.Three successive shots, each time more generous, had not already been enough to bring back the fever, until the epidemic turned up the priorities.

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The "Segur de la santé", negotiated after the first confinement, was to avoid a relapse thanks to the massive injection of public funds: 10 billion euros in perennial wage increases and 19 billion investments spread over several years.

Purchasing power, meaning, arduousness ...

For some caregivers, the account is still not there."It does not catch up with our loss of purchasing power," says Olivier Cammas, of the CGT of the Paris hospitals (AP-HP), believing that with the index gel the hospital agents have "lost 20 %treatment in 15 years ".

Compulsory vaccination against COVVI-19, which entered into force in mid-September, complicates a little more the situation."We immediately saw the effects, with personnel leaks, but also layoffs and work stoppages," adds Olivier Cammas.Not to mention the thousands of suspended employees, without remuneration, whose hospital "happens when we lack staff".

« La cinquième vague, on ne la passera pas à l’hôpital » : un infirmier intérimaire témoigne

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And yet "the budgets are there, the positions are open but they are not filled," says Jean Castex.The Ministry of Health plans in particular to remind the hospital for the caregivers who left to exercise in the vaccination centers who have been running down since the start of the school year.The prices of their vacations will thus "drop significantly" from Monday.

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"The problem is deeper than the question of remuneration, it is a problem of meaning," observes Frédéric Valletoux of the FHF.In professions with "real arduousness", caregivers are trapped in a vicious circle where "recruitments are getting longer and work weighs on those who remain"."The only response to the height will be to restore perspectives, otherwise our lively forces will be condemned," he predicts, wishing that "health is one of the major subjects of the next five-year term".