COVID - OMICRON: What is "cerebral fog", symptom of COVID LONG?

The COVID LONG is one of the mysteries surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.A form of the disease that the omicron variant can cause.And that manifests in different ways.

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Memory, concentration, manipulation of information ...

One of them is particularly disturbing since it directly strikes intellectual capacities and in particular memory.

On this subject, an American study reveals in particular that many sequelae of the Long Cavid result from inflammatory immune responses.

Covid - Omicron : qu'est-ce que le

Reactions which would also explain the phenomenon of "brain fog" (Brain Fog in English) leading in particular "problems of memorization of recent events, research of names or words, concentration and problems of retention and manipulation of information,As well as slowdown in processing speed, "according to Dr Joanna Hellmuth, principal of the study, interviewed by the Daily Mail.

His research team based at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) analyzed the cerebrospinal fluid in order to find the cause.Result: high levels of protein in the liquid indicated that an immune response against the virus had taken place.

"It is possible that the immune system, stimulated by the virus, operates in an involuntary pathological way," she concludes.