Denis Olivennes: "Jewish French and France, a shared story"

No, "the" Jews do not exist, do not displease the harmful who persists, as we saw it on Saturday with the cowardly assault by Alain Finkielkraut, to wicked this category badly.This pronoun defined before the name (Jews) and which most often leads to a predicate (the Jews are this or that: intelligent, radins, gifted for business, etc..) is, at least, an ease of language, or the mark of the prejudice of ignorance and, too frequently, that of resentment or hatred

Take the Jews of France - we should also say: the French of origin or Jewish confession.They are already very different, to take only a few examples, from the Judaise Arabs of the Kingdom of Himyar to Yemen, Han Converted from Kifeng to China or Indian slaves who have become Jewish in Cochin or Bombay.

Denis Olivennes: «Les Français juifs et la France, une histoire partagée»

These Jews of France, present on our soil for more than two thousand years, are themselves extremely heterogeneous.

They are by their origins: some have come with the ...

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