Did you take too many medications without doing it on purpose? Do not panic, follow the guide ! Accidental drug abuse: lifesaving actions

Voluntary or accidental ingestions, drug intoxications are real emergencies. The "La Grande Forme" team calls on Dr Vanessa Wauters, emergency physician, to explain how to react following accidental drug abuse.

Drug poisoning can be due to willful abuse or be accidental. In the latter case, we will find two types of population: children and the elderly.

You took too much medicine without the Doing it on purpose? Don't panic, follow the guide! Accidental medication abuse: life-saving gestures

In most cases, when it is accidental, the dose is relatively small so there is no great danger, but it is still recommended to make at least one phone call to your doctor to let him know and he can reassure you. And if it is a child, the reflex is to call the poison control center (on the free number 070 245 245) to say which molecule has been taken, the dosage, the weight of the child and if there is has a risk, you will be redirected to emergency care.