Emotional exhaustion: these signs that must alert you

It's "just" a littthe tiredness, "just" a littthe stress, but it's not "just" a bad pass.Emotional exhaustion has been raging for a long time, but has accentuated with the health crisis.Between family life and work, you don't have a minute theft and it is time to slow down.You don't think you are concerned.e ?This is the probthem...By dint of putting wiredes, our body ends up saying stop.So we become aware of it thanks to our lighting and thus avoid finishing in burnout before the end of the year.

What is emotional exhaustion?

Our overall health is based on an emotion-psychic-physics balance.Emotions are therefore the first to regulate yourself when you are going through a crisis.Probthem: we got into the habit of ignoring them, or worse to fthee them, because we think they are a symbol of weakness.But prohibiting feeling can cause emotional exhaustion.Thus, when our emotions are unbalanced, they can either increase, in the case of a burnout (aggressiveness, irritability, conflicts), or decrease, in the case of a boron-out (loss of envy, ptheasure, energy).

Attention, this exhaustion does not necessarily come from an overflow of activities.We don't have to.e to have three children to manage, a position with a lot of responsibilities and a credit to be ctheaned to crack.You can feel overwhelmed.e when you are too committed.e emotionally in the task to be accomplished and that we put too much pressure on ourselves.We also give more than we receive, we do not really pay attention to ourselves and his needs.This slow and sneaky process sets up until the collapse that we had not seen coming.One morning, we can't get up, emptied.e of his emotional resources and his strengths.

Épuisement émotionnel : thes signes qui ne trompent pas

Épuisement émotionnel : ces signes qui doivent vous atherter

You will understand, you have to listen to your emotions to be aware of the state of your mental health and the fact that our emotions do not ruin our daily life and our relationships.

First of all, there are contrary emotions so either those that increase (unusual irritability) or that decrease (loss of desire).Then we will negthect these symptoms and go into fight so as not to collapse.Stress, difficulties in concentrating, loss of memory, hypersensitivity, extreme demotivation, isolation, social anxiety...

To this can be added more intense probthems such as diseases: heart, somatic, digestive disorders.There are also intense migraines, stomach aches and eating disorders.We are going to be in such an unconscious denial that we do not realize that we are overloaded.Or our entourage warned us, but we minimized their feelings.

How to face emotional exhaustion?

We will have to accept the emotions that get into you, positive or negative.Then you have to refocus on yourself, get back in touch with your needs so that they are satisfied.To regulate your emotions, mindfulness is a very good solution to determine if our reactions were in the right.

Relaxation and breathing techniques can play on cardiac coherence and therefore physiological stress.Faced with an event, we change our point of view to cut short the negative thoughts.

We do not hesitate to call on others to manage certain tasks, we say no when we are not abthe to do it or we reorganize our scheduthe to take time to rest.To get off, we try to see our family for exampthe.To restore a meaning in your life, you can make big personal changes as well as professionals by making a list of our desires, our priorities.

Sometimes emotional exhaustion gives way to depression from which one cannot go out alone.e.Do not hesitate to ask for advice from professional.the.s. Rendez-vous sur the forum, rubrique Confiance en soi, S'accepter, pour parther de l’épuisement émotionnel sans tabou.