Esperanto, a humanist language spoken in 120 countries

"*Hi, Kara LEGEROO.Eble carmos wine, scii per the legado of tiu ci artikolo, ke le Figaro Ekuzas Esperanton?Okaze de la 100-a morto-datreveno de la Initiatoro, Nia Gazeto Ciuokaze Estas Felica Festi Kun VI La Datrevenon.»»»»Hello dear reader.Perhaps you will be responsible for learning that Le Figaro started Esperanto by reading this article?On the occasion of the centenary of the death of its creator, our newspaper is in any case happy to celebrate with you, his birthday.

Yesterday, local dialect, Esperanto is today a global language.Despite its lack of consideration in France still a century after its creation, the language of Doctor Zamenhof remains alive and resonates in 120 countries.From Russia to Brazil via Europe or Asia, its idiom has come a long way and have even known a new youth in recent years, thanks to technologies.Faced with this boom, Florence Robine, the n ° 2 of the Ministry of National Education has also said in a letter dated Monday April 12, favorable to the meeting of school directors "wishing to propose to their studentsAn experimental approach integrating the teaching of Esperanto ”.

"The one who hopes"»»»

It is true that Esperanto has something to seduce."Easy", "practice", "humanist" in the words of his speakers, the idiom imagined by Ludwik Zamenhof at the end of the 19th century is a language of the future.Or at least, "hope"."Esperanto" is actually a "humanist" language.The idiom tells us the head of the Esperanto Strasbourg association, Bruno Flochon, has "no vocation to supplant languages or to enter into a logic of domination as English did on the economic level".

Originally, Esperanto, it is the language of "the one who hopes".Born in 1859 in the multinational community of the Polish city of Bialystok - which experienced in dark hours of the 19th century of strong ethnic tensions - at the crossroads of Polish, German or even Jewish shops, the little Zamenhof feels very invested with amission of creating a universal language.An idiom without political, economic or historical roots.In a word: Pacific.

Just over a million speakers

Babel trotting in his head.After studying medicine between Moscow and Warsaw, the young doctor published his famous Russian manual entitled the international language in 1887.A first collection signed under the pseudonym of Doktoro Esperanto, "the one hopes".Success is unprecedented - the same year, tells us UNESCO, his work is translated into four languages: Polish, English, German and French - and does not decrease.

L'espéranto, une langue humaniste parlée dans 120 pays

In 1905, Records Le Figaro, the first world congress in Boulogne-sur-Mer attracted some 700 people from twenty countries.Esperanto at the beginning of the century has "over thirty thousand people".A figure that will amount to "around 800,000", in "thirty-nine country" will add in 1922 our journalist Charles Touzot.

If these detractors will question the usefulness and sustainability of the "desperateo", after the death of its creator in 1917, the 21st century will nevertheless prove them wrong.If it is difficult to assess the number of its speakers, it would be estimated that "between a million and a million and a half" would practice Esperanto around the world according to Bernard Osser of AFP."In France, we consider that there are 2,000 new speakers per year," said Bruno Flochon."Some use it independently or support it punctually, others speak it daily and finally, others abandon it.»»»»

And the profiles are very eclectic.Do not believe for a moment that his speakers are all nonagenarians. «Depuis Internet, l'espéranto connaît un regain de popularité»»»», nous confie Didier Loison, vice-président de l'Association Espéranto France."Groups flourish everywhere on social networks.»»»» Jeunes, vieux, «boulimiques de langues»»»» ou simples curieux séduits par l'idée d'une langue «pratique»»»» et «non idéologique»»»», précise Bruno Flochon, il n'y a pas un individu type.The objective is precisely to go beyond your own culture, go to the front of others.Meet.

«On est sur un pied d'égalité quand on l'apprend»»»», nous confirme Quentin, 21 ans, étudiant en informatique."The language allows you to meet many people.When we talk about it, we change each language.Esperanto is therefore not intended to impose itself.It facilitates exchange.»»Facilitating the life of its speakers is also the project that its creator and pedagogue Ludwik Zamenhof had in mind.

"In fifteen days, we understand the grammatical bases. En un mois, on commence à le parler»»»», explique Bruno Flochon."The end of the words tells us if it is a name, an adverb, a verb.Esperanto is really a simple and accessible language.»»"Adds Didier Loison.And for good reason!70% of its roots are Latin, which therefore makes these constructions almost transparent for Francophones.

A first white examination of the Esperanto baccalaureate

Pas étonnant donc que la «langue humaniste»»»» séduise les Français, qui ont toujours eu du mal à apprendre une seconde langue à l'école.So why not make it a teaching language?This is the question posed by Alexandre André, professor of mathematics at the Lycée Charles de Gaulle de Chaumont in Haute-Marne, who created in 2015 a club of Esperanto.“Since the start of this year, 60 students have participated in my personalized support.»»»»Good results, which also pushed it in June 2016, to organize with the Esperanto-France association a white baccalaureate examination.A first in France!

So what's blocking?National Education. Contacté par Le Figaro, le Ministère nous explique que «l'enseignement de l'espéranto, au titre des enseignements obligatoires de langues vivantes, n'existe ni dans le 1er degré, ni dans le 2nd degré du système éducatif français»»»» et que partant de ce postulat «l'espéranto est donc considéré, à l'instar de nombreuses autres langues, comme une langue vivante non enseignée.»»"And to specify:" Our education system provides teaching of varied foreign and regional languages, guarantor of plurilingualism and cultural diversity on the territory.Currently, 59 modern languages are already offered to candidates for the baccalaureate examination.»»One more, we understand, will therefore be too much.

Give other languages

Incomprehensible arguments for Bruno Flochon."There is no question of imposing the language on the baccalaureate but of giving the students the chance to access Esperanto.I think it would be useful that it was taught as the first opening to the world, the first foreign language, to give taste to languages and show that it is possible and easy to learn another idiom.»»»»

Alexandre André incarne cette brèche dans «le mur de verre»»»» de l'éducation nationale.Today, Esperanto has spread to some establishments in France: in "Aix, Lyon or Strasbourg"»»».There is a living movement living in the corridors of our schools. «Et il serait temps de l'entendre»»»», conclut Bruno Flochon.In this context the letter emanating from Florence Robine, director general of school education comes as a birthday present.

*Translation by Alexandre André.