Extending the abortion period, possible? MP Albane Gaillot, who carries the proposal, invited "Ideas"

Extending the deadline for an abortion from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, this is the project of MP Albane Gaillot. Guest of "Desidées", NEON's new video format, she returns to her proposal.


"There are ideological brakes beyond the structural brakes." Albane Gaillot, MP for Val-de-Marne, has been defending for many months her bill aimed at improving access to abortion in France. On the Place du Panthéon, three years after the pantheonization of Simone Veil, she returns to the measures she hopes to see voted by Parliament.

The text presented by Albane Gaillot (without label) includes three strong measures: the extension of the abortion period by two weeks, bringing it to 14 weeks of pregnancy, the possibility for midwives to perform abortions by instrumental and the abolition of the specific conscience clause of doctors concerning abortion.

A text blocked by the Senate last January

Extending the abortion period, possible MP Albane Gaillot, who carries the proposal, invited

The bill is not at its first attempt. It had been adopted at first reading in the National Assembly before being rejected by the Upper House in January 2021. The Senate, where the right is in the majority, voted for a motion by the Republicans, preventing the examination of the text. And while a second reading was to be held in April in the National Assembly, the LR deputies tabled no less than 423 amendments. The socialist group then resolved to withdraw the text from the agenda from its parliamentary niche, fearing that it would not be able to deal with its other texts.

Marie-Noëlle Battistel, Socialist MP for Isère, then denounced an "obvious obstruction" on the part of the right-wing group.

"I engage the responsibility of the government, which has control of the agenda, and Christophe Castaner who said in June that he would register this bill in December", challenges the deputy. Despite a disagreement with Emmanuel Macron, the leader LREM would like to have the text voted on before the end of the five-year term.

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