Five small French mistakes to eradicate from our daily life

Vocabulary, grammar, expressions...Mastering the French language is an objective that is conquered slowly and above all, patiently.She surprises us, sometimes scares us but never ceases to arouse our admiration.Le Figaro offers you an overview of these little mistakes to eradicate from our daily life.

"Read also -" uh "," serious "," here "...Your peeled language tics

"Well!"Or "Well!"?

This is a very small letter but it is very important.Indeed, "EH" is an interjection while "and" is a coordination conjunction.However, the phrase that interests us here is well interjective.So you have to write: "Well!". Ainsi que le précise l’Académie française, dans sa rubrique Dire/ Ne pas dire, il est évidemment possible «que les mots et et bien se suivent».Example: "He works quickly and well".In this case, the word "and" connects two terms of the same nature.In this case: adverbs "quickly" and "good".

"La Marche to follow" or "the approach to follow"?

The error is discreet and recurrent.It is likely that little notice it.However, recalls the French Academy, an "approach" first designates "the way of walking, the appearance of a person".So can we notice the elegant or a person's approach of a person.An "approach" can also evoke "an action undertaken with a view to bringing a project, a case with an authority" succeeds ".

"Marche" amounts to characterizing "the fact, the action of walking".Figured, this term is used to qualify a "way of acting, proceeding".It is from this sense that the expression "walking to follow" was born.Understand: the "way of proceeding which one must comply with to obtain what we want," note the wise.

"Tell me" or "tell me"?

Cinq petites fautes de français à éradiquer de notre quotidien

The imperative is very tyrannical.He has his own rules.Indeed, recalls the French Academy, "when a verb is followed by a direct pronoun of direct object and an additional indirect object pronoun of first or second person, this indirect supplement precedes the direct complement".Example: Pierre gives it to you;Paul tells me.However, "if it is a third -person pronoun, he follows the complement of direct object".Example: you give it to him;He tells them.

But, beware: the imperative, "it is always the complement of direct object which immediately follows the verb, to which it is connected by a line of union".So we write "Tell me" and not "Tell me";"Pass me" and not "Pass me".

"So-called" or "so-called"?

"So-called", in the first sense, means "who says".Thus, a so-called magician is a person who "says, claims" magician, recalls Daniel Lacotte in his work 100% zero faults: mastering (finally) the subtleties of the French language (First).At first, this phrase "applied only to humans who attributed to themselves a quality or a function".Little by little, however, the use changed this job.We can now completely talk about a "so-called solid currency";of a "supposedly serious meeting".On the other hand, it is necessary to ban the spelling "so-called", a probable "drift of the formula by the way".That is to say: "that between it is said".

"To look like"

It is a nuance of the French language that arouses some debates.Let's see if Daniel Lacotte can lighten our doubts.Should we say "she looks happy" or "she looks happy"?According to our author, we must distinguish two uses.

We can thus consider the phrase "to look" as frozen, and then meaning: "to seem, to appear".In this case, "the adjective that follows is attributed and agrees with the subject".What gives: she looks happy.

If we consider, on the other hand, that the word "air" "retains its full meaning", then the expression "to look" is not frozen.Thus, another verb could replace "having". Exemple: «prendre un air», «se donner un air».And the term "air" can very well be replaced by "an air", "airs".In this case, "the adjective is here epithet and agrees with the word air".Example: they seem foolish of their grandfather;They seem ingenuous of teenagers.

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