Former Lafarge cement factory in Lézinnes, Patrick Martinot is now making lamps with objects recovered from Ravières

""""I have no limits""""

""""I make lamps of all sizes and all forms.I have no limits, indicates the Raviérois.I have so much that I don't know where to put them.""""Because its goal is not to trade it.Even if his latest creations are still in the window of Burgundy Art Gallery, his motivation is not financial.""""I do this for fun.I love the decor.""""

The old Lafarge de Vireaux quarry will accommodate a photovoltaic power plant and an eco-play park

Each lamp has a story. """"Ce ne sont que des objets de récupération"""", souligne le créateur.Emmaüs is for him a real Ali Baba cave, but not the only. """"Tout ce que je peux trouver, même par terre, je prends !"""" Il parcourt des kilomètres en forêt à la recherche d’un bout de bois tordu, un morceau de souche bizarre. """"J’y vais pendant des heures, deux ou trois fois semaine."""" La forêt de Ravières et celle de Chaource sont des """"mines d’or"""".

Une période """"compliquée""""

Patrick Martinot diverts each object recovered at the feeling. """"C’est lui qui m’inspire et pas le contraire.""""It must be said that he had time to sharpen his technique. """"J’ai été artisan pendant un temps"""", rappelle-t-il.When he was a zinc roofer, he liked to create many weather vane. """"Après, je suis entré à l’usine Lafarge à Frangey (Lézinnes).""""He worked there for sixteen years, until the cement plant closed.He was part of the small group of irreducibles who made the hunger strike in September 2011 to protest against this closure and refused to mutate in another region.""""I was not very far from retirement, but despite all it was a complicated period and doubt.""""A period that lasted almost five years.

Dans l'œil de la photographe : un """"Pompéi"""" de ciment où la nature reprend vie sur l'ancien site Lafarge

The professional page turned, he returned to his first love and resumed his welding iron.He embarked on creation and lamps.He doesn't want to stop there. """"J’ai envie de refaire quelques girouettes.And I would go well in the mosaic, because to put my lamps I need tables, and with the mosaic tray it could be nice.""""