"He is elevator, house, shower, bathtub, standing, walking" in the middle of an interview, Camille Lellouche lets go about a famous actor

Has Camille Lellouche found love from her (controversial) idyll with Rayane Bensetti?Everything suggests that no!At the beginning of the week, the actress and singer was seen in the parade of the Lingerie Etam brand, in the arm of a mysterious unknown but it would seem that the latter is just a simple friend.While waiting to find a shoe at his foot, the humorist decided to take the lead by launching a call to those who could please him.

The former candidate of "The Voice" lent herself to the play of the intervene "the word of the end" published on the Instagram account of the media "the scouts" and made confidences on his style of man."I am rather matt brown and everything.Here it is ....If ever ... "she launched before finishing the following sentence:" I would like to get stuck in an elevator with ... ".Sure of herself, Camille Lellouche then replied: "What's his name is this Italian actor? Who has a nose, you know, strong, like that, broken with a bump ...".

The journalist then suggested to her Adrien Brody and the singer ecstatic: "Oh yes, Adrien Brody, My Godes, Shit! I love you.Strong, very strong! ".She then chained with a real statement: "He, there is no elevator.It's elevator, house, garden, landing, shower, bath also.Standing, walking.Absolutely everything !".

Unfortunately for Camille Lellouche, actor Adrien Brody, who has been American, has been in a relationship since the start of the year, with Georgina Chapman.Known for having been the wife of director Harvey Weinstein from 2007 to 2017, Georgina Chapman is also the founder of the sewing house Marchens.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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