How long can we keep soup?

By Ingrid Boinetmis update the share by e-mail

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirablePréparée avec des produits frais, une soupe peut vite tourner. Pour éviter ce gâchis alimentaire, suivez tous nos conseils pour conserver votre soupe aussi longtemps que possible.

Prepare too much soup happens frequently.But do not panic because it is quite possible to keep soup in the refrigerator or freezer.You will only have to warm it in your saucepan or in the microwave quickly.You can then taste a light and fast meal without getting too tired.

How to keep your soup easily?

If you have planned too much soup, you can completely store it in your refrigerator.You can use the pan in which you have prepared the soup.Wait until your soup and the pan cooled before placing them in the refrigerator.Be careful not to choose a saucepan too large to avoid any contact with the air as much as possible, which would remove its taste from your soup.

Combien de temps peut-on conserver de la soupe ?

The shelf life of the soup varies according to the ingredients, but on average it then keeps two or three days depending on the ingredients.Do not exceed this limit because the vegetables oxidize.If it contains cream or eggs, do not leave it more than two days, otherwise it may not be managed.

When you want to consume your soup, you just have to warm the pan on the stove.

Keep your soup in hermetic boxes

If you want to keep the soup for a long time, a second option is available to you.Just put your soup in tupperware® for oxidation hermetic containers.She then keeps three to four days, and warms in a few minutes in the microwave oven.Again, if the soup contains dairy products or eggs, consume it the next day.

En vidéo : recettes de plats d'hiver :

Can we freeze the soup?

Yes, you can keep the soup in the freezer in hermetic boxes.She keeps herself up to three months under these conditions.Be careful not to fill them, because the soup swells with freezing and can quickly overflow.On the other hand, avoid freezing the soup in plastic bottles, they may explode.

Thanks to all these tips, you know everything you need to keep your soup without problem!It is now up to you to try original soup, soup and velvety recipes!

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