What optimistic are you?


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The concept of optimism, like that of pessimism, relates to our way of considering the future, in other words the type of scenario that we imagine in the face of the experiences that we live.Socrates, Plato and Aristotle already taught him at the time of Antiquity.Optimists expect to live, more than the average of individuals, positive events, or to glimpse positive exits in negative circumstances (disease, loss of employment, divorce, etc..)).In psychology, we are talking about bias of optimism or comparison optimism.Optimism would have a beneficial action on well-being, psychological functioning and mental health.The lucky ones who have it would be happier, feel more pleasant emotions, less stress, would be less depressed and more fulfilled as a couple.They would also be more resilient in the face of chess thanks to adaptation strategies and would even benefit from a better immune system.When the gap between the real situation and the planned scenario appears in broad daylight, the optimists are used to putting double bites to achieve their goals.And perseverance doing miracles, they continue to believe in the future and their personal ability to change things.

According to Le Penn Resiliency Program, a program which aims to teach both emotional and relational skills, it would be enough to reinterpret the situations encountered, to force yourself to consider alternatives to our stereotypical reactions, to become aware of our automatic reactionsand spontaneous behaviors associated with it.In short, it is by working on self-esteem, being more proactive, more empathetic and more adventurous, that our degree of optimism can soar!

Do you want to know if you are optimistic of nature?Answer in a few moments ...

1.In disagreement with your supervisor on an important subject, how do you react?

Avoid it because the war is lost in advance, it will have the last word anyway.

B- You give him a complete presentation of your arguments;You are sure you can convince him.

D- You try to understand his point of view, after all his vision of things is perhaps the most relevant.

C you go see your N+2 so that all the arguments are heard before it contrasts.

2.When you think of cancer, what do you say?

It can happen to anyone and at any time.

D- Thanks to the advances of science, the patients will all eventually cure.

B you have no reason to be touched because you have a super healthy lifestyle.

A-that will be difficult to escape it with all the pollution around us and junk food.

3.In your opinion, global warming is ...

Quelle optimiste êtes-vous ?

A-a reality that will cost humanity dearly.

B- A process that can still be revealed if we put double bites.

D- a new challenge that humans can note provided they collaborate with each other.

C- a drama;It will take big disasters and the dead in the millions for governments to react.

4.What do you think of HAPPYCRATIE in business, this managerial technique which consists in offering wellness workshops, rest areas and organic products available to employees?

A-C is a lure that aims to put employees to sleep and to avoid granting them increases.

B-One good start to improve the working conditions of employees on a daily basis!

C-A strong trend to motivate troops in a start-up spirit.

D-a evolution of mentalities within more human directions.

5.What is your definition of happiness?

B-l'Art to live the present moment.

D-L'Alit to appreciate the little things in life.

A endless quest.

C-a concept overestimated in our society.

6.How do you live your depression phases?

B You kick the buttocks and make a phone call for the idea of airing your head.

You stay in your cave out of sight.

D You go for the shrink to empty your bag.

C you go and play sports regularly to regulate your mood.

7.How did you take the announcements of the successive waves of Coronavirus?

B-Scientists always blacken the table!

It is necessary to prepare psychologically to accept this new reality.

D You are happy to spend more time with your loved ones.

A-global economy will collapse!

8.The generation after yours is ...

B-Interesting, fast and in search of meaning.

A-inconsistent and narcissistic.

C-PAS very different, more connected and more zappy, but also more concerned by environmental issues.

D-man, fiery and full of hope.

9.Your life coach asks you to describe five professional or personal experiences that have ended very well ...

You find it hard to find only one and you panic.

B Do you have your bag full;It will be easy and fun.

It’s going to have to widen your brain, but with a reasonable time, it should be playable.

D-The scenarios you think of only concern the personal sphere.

10.After a violent argument with your Jules, what is your state of mind?

To you tell you that your relationship will not last.

B Do you congratulate you to have been able to communicate on your differences;this is a good thing !

It may not be the right person ...

I have to know how to question yourself to become a better spouse.

11.One of your colleagues openly criticizes your attitude at work ...

C- You listen to it patiently to weigh the pros and cons.

Have you judged that he probably got up on the wrong foot or that he is jealous.

B you must have been unintentionally clumsiness;you are redoubled attention.

D You are going to be more attentive and straighten the bar.



You have a maximum of A

You are pessimistic.

It’s not a secret for anyone: you tend to see the glass empty rather than the full glass.Your self -confidence is limited because you tend to see evil everywhere and always consider the worst scenario.You have the annoying habit of devaluing yourself and giving up without fighting.You would have every interest in tackling your unrealistic beliefs and in questioning your forever negative judgments.Your pessimistic automatic mode makes you pass for someone bitter or reactionary and you live constantly on the sidelines of others.You would benefit from being accompanied to learn to decipher your emotions, to open up to the world and to others as well as to initiate yourself to problem solving techniques.You may well discover that the world is not so hostile and that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

You have a maximum of B

You are a confident optimist.

Your confidence is constantly wearing you and makes you see life on the right side.It's stronger than you, you always think that tartine will not fall on the side of butter and when an incident occurs in your life, you do everything possible to make you envisaged end up happening.You are always looking for solutions to the problems encountered and you are able to correct the shooting quickly when you feel like you are on the wrong track.You naturally know how to take care of yourself on the physical and mental level.In public, your ease to enhance you earns you the reputation of being a charismatic, enthusiastic and overflowing person.Your dynamism, your enthusiasm and your confidence in a bright future literally radiate on others and make you a leader.Definitely, the optimism you began wonderfully.Keep going !

You have a maximum of D

You are a humanist optimist.

Empathetic, benevolent and generous, you believe in Leibniz's theory on the best of the possible worlds that Voltaire laughed in Candide.For you, humans are capable of great things and solidarity when the situation seems desperate.You believe in innovation and the evolution of the human species.Your confidence in the other does miracles because you are of great support when you have to analyze a situation or solve a problem.Altruistic and diplomat, you always put yourself in place of others and you know how to question yourself when it turns out to be necessary.At ease in family and friendly relationships, you are the pillar of your tribe as you release positive waves.Aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you also know how to help yourself if necessary.You are aware that you recharge your way in contact with your fellows, which gives you optimism and happiness.

You have a maximum of C

You are lucid.

You think that life is not a pleasure and that seeing things in front avoids a multitude of unhealthy disappointments.You don't like dictates and stereotypes conveyed by the media and you apprehend the world with a certain distance.Neither optimistic nor frankly pessimistic, you tend not to fight enough for the causes that are important to you.A bit passive when the situations degenerate, you quickly set back or in "conventional" mode for you to make peace.You would benefit from being more pro-active and to make your voice heard because you are able to have a fine analysis of situations.Your lucidity could be an asset for society, provided you seek solutions, trust others and boost your self -esteem.Optimism is within your reach, provided you really want.

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