How to adopt an eco -responsible diet?

Le Figaro Student gets green - here are the keys to a diet more respectful of the environment.

2022 rhymes in particular with "eat better".The new year carries its share of good resolutions.Among them, often is a change in eating practices.However, the food industry represents more than a third of greenhouse gas emissions.The Figaro Student thus gives you the recipe to evolve towards eco -responsible habits on your plates.

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Increased vigilance

In general, this requires more vigilance.For the shopping destination, first: try to supply yourself directly from producers for fresh food and otherwise, favor organic stores.Precautions, for the race list also, avoiding industrial products to focus rather on the least processed ingredients possible.

Also pay attention to containers.Do not multiply plastic or kraft packaging, and bring your own things instead, such as glass jars and fabric bags designed for bulk.It will even be profitable because more and more brands make their bags, paying.

Comment adopter une alimentation écoresponsable?

In addition, monitor the calendar of fruits and vegetables to consume seasonal.Eating strawberries in winter, for example, has a lot of disadvantages: it costs more, is less good for health and the palace, and ecologically expensive.Finally, in your choices, try, according to your desires, to reduce your meat consumption whose production is particularly polluting.

A logical spirit

Eco -responsible food requires common sense.Products often have a deadline for consumption...not necessarily taking at the foot of the letter.You can simply gauge its pace if the dish is still edible.This logic applies to the fridge whose organization can influence the conservation of foodstuffs.

A clever spirit to keep daily.Vegetable peelings can thus be transformed into chips, soups or even compost.Same, when you open a can of chickpeas, put the juice aside, which you can beat in snow later to prepare in particular a chocolate mousse.

Finally, do not hesitate to get to professionals.Traders, on the one hand, will enlighten you.On the other hand, when you take your meals outside, some alternatives exist, such as restaurants engaged in ecology, listed for example by ecotable or good for the climate, or even baskets of unsold to recover, viaantigaspis applications, such as toogoodtogo or phenix.