How to boost weight loss while sleeping

To slim down, you have to sleep well.Having quality sleep promotes weight loss.Our experts give you their advice to slim down by sleeping thanks to sleep dietetics.How to lose weight while sleeping?What diet to adopt to sleep well?

Screens, stress, anxiety ... reduce the quantity and quality of sleep to the detriment of the form of course, but also of the line.Sleeping well is indeed essential to weighting balance.Thanks to the advice of our specialists, find serene nights and get rid of your superfluous pounds ... sleeping!

Why is it important to sleep well to lose weight?

Moral, tone, health, beauty, immunity ...: sleeping well is essential in many ways.Surprisingly, a quality sleep also contributes to weighting balance."Many studies indicate a correlation between weight gain and sleep debt," notes Marie-Pierre St-Onge, nutrition researcher.People who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to gain more weight than others.»»

At the end of 1999, an experimental study compared two groups of people, one sleeping 4 hours a night, the other 8 hours, strictly subject to the same diet.After 15 days, an increase in weight and fat mass was observed in those whose nights were shortened.Several mechanisms are put forward to explain this phenomenon: "During sleep, we secrete leptin, a hormone that satisfies and allows to better metabolize sugars", specifies Dr Joëlle Adrien, neurobiologist.

"When you don't sleep enough, you have more appetite and you are more attracted to fatty and sweet products," added Dr Joëlle Adrien.A lack of sleep also leads to behavioral changes: "When you sleep less, you have more time to eat and in particular to snack, notes Valentina Andreeva, researcher in nutritional epidemiology.We also feel tired the next day, so we move less.In the end, energy intake increases, expenses decrease, and we are more likely to store."The problem is that overweight also promotes sleep disorders over the long term," added the researcher.A vicious circle !

To find the line, it is therefore better not to neglect your sleep and ensure long and restful nights.Good news: food measures good for the silhouette are also those that help sleep better.Double blow and destocke on the pillow.

What are the principles of sleep dietetics?

The schedules and the composition of meals can largely contribute to restoring quality sleep.And good news, which is good for sleep, is also for the line!

Maintain a fixed meal schedule to have a good night's

Meals help synchronize the body."To promote falling asleep, it is better to have finished dinner 2 to 3 hours before bedtime," recommends Dr Adrien.This allows you not to start your night in full digestion.And we get a significant nocturnal fasting window, which would help lose weight.

The ideal is therefore a breakfast at raising, a lunch around 12-13 p.m. then a dinner around 7-20 p.m.

Adopt a Mediterranean diet to avoid insomnia

"Several studies have shown that people who followed this type of food have a lower risk of suffering from insomnia and sleep disorders," said Marie-Pierre St-Onge.

This diet based on various plants (fruits and vegetables, seeds, cereals ...), poultry, fish and fermented dairy products could indeed increase the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, favorable to quality sleep.

Eat eggs for breakfast for a better balance

A good sleep is prepared as soon as lifting it! Escreted in particular in the first part of the day, dopamine promotes awakening, motivation and early start."It is made by the organization in part from an amino acid, the tyrosine, constituting proteins that are found mainly in animal products," said Anthony Berthou, dietitian-nutritionist.

To have the enthusiasm in the morning and synchronize the organic clock, the ideal is to opt for a breakfast rich in protein with 15 to 20 g of protein, in the form of eggs, cheese or ham (moreRarely because very salty) and, in addition, oilseeds (nuts, hazelnuts, almonds ...).

It is also necessary to limit carbohydrate foods, especially the sweet products (pastries, white bread, jam, refined cereals ...) which promote the secretion of insulin which can disrupt the metabolism of dopamine.

Comment stimuler la perte de poids en dormant

The advantage of such a morning menu that it also offers good satiety and better regulation of weighting balance.

Promote a dissociated diet to fill up with energy

At the half-time of the day, to continue to stimulate awakening and activity, the objective is once again to give pride of place to foods rich in animal proteins and to limit those rich in carbohydrates."The ideal is to consume a portion (approximately 120 g) of meat or fish with a beautiful amount of vegetables and 1 to 2 tsp.vegetable oil first cold pressure of olive, rapeseed or nut, "advises Anthony Berthou.

You can finish the meal with a fermented dairy product, depending on the tolerance, or 1 or 2 squares of dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa or a handful of nuts.Thus, we take energy without suffering from drowsiness afterwards.

Chocolate and nuts to taste sleep

Around 4-17 h, we switch to the end of the day: this is the ideal time to consume quality carbohydrates (dark chocolate, fresh fruit ...) associated with oilseeds rich in magnesium and containing an amino acid, theTryptophan, precursor of serotonin.

Why associate them?

"The moderate secretion of insulin caused by the consumption of carbohydrates allows better assimilation of the tryptophan compared to other amino acids," says the nutritionist.Thus, we promote the production of serotonin, which is also a pioneer of melatonin, acting in the evening and at the start of the night to help the appeasement and the initiation of sleep.»»

Vegetarian dinner for better digestion

According to the same competition mechanism for the assimilation of tryptophan with other amino acids, a meal composed of whole grains and/ or legumes with vegetables and quality oil then a fruit boosts the secretion of serotonin and melatonin."By permanently stabilizing blood sugar, consuming carbohydrates with slow assimilation in the evening avoids being hungry during the night, which can be responsible for night awakenings or chopped sleep," said Dr Joëlle Adrien.

Conversely, it is better to avoid foods rich in animal protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) which, although rich in tryptophan for some, contain other amino acids tend to disrupt sleep by increasing the timedigestion and body temperature."We also avoid everything that is heavy to digest: fried fries, cooked fats, dishes in sauce," adds Anthony Berthou.

Limit coffee consumption for better sleep

In quantity and in timing!Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that impacts the waking/sleep cycle: it increases the sleep latency, decreases the total duration of sleep and increases the light sleep phases to the detriment of deep sleep, with more frequent awakenings.In general, it is better not to exceed 3 to 4 cups per day and avoid drinking it after 15 hours, and take into account your personal sensitivity because its exciting effect varies considerably from person to person (essentiallyFor genetic reasons): “There are slow metabolizers and rapid metabolizers, says Joëlle Adrien.According to individuals, the body can put 2 to 10 hours to eliminate only half!»»

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Take into account his digestive sensitivity

Difficult digestion, a bloated belly or acidic lifts can also disturb sleep.Thus, at dinner, it is important to favor this or that food depending on your tolerance and adapt the way of cooking (soak and simmer legumes, cook the fruits and vegetables ...).

Hydrate well to spend a better night

No question of sipping a liter of herbal tea before bedtime, at the risk of getting up several times in the night to go to the toilet."The best is to distribute the drinks in moderate quantities throughout the day, including dinner," recommends Anthony Berthou.Above all, we avoid as much as possible alcohol which, "if it first helps to fall asleep, then creates a reduction in sleep or even insomnia," warns Joëlle Adrien.

How to maintain a balanced diet when you have offbeat schedules?

You must take care to maintain 3 meals per day with fixed times with a balanced snack suitable for schedules, avoid fatty and sweet snacks which promote drowsiness, and do not exceed 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day.

Morning work (4 a.m. to 12 p.m.):

It is advisable to dinner the day before light and low -fat evening, with starchy foods, 2 hours before bedtime.A light snack before work (fruit and dairy), even without appetite.It is recommended to have breakfast around 9 a.m.A full and balanced lunch at the end of the post, before the nap.

Evening work (2 p.m.-10 a.m.):

It is advisable to have a classic breakfast around 9 a.m.A balanced lunch gives pride of place to animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs ...), slowly similar starchy foods and vegetables.A snack around 5 p.m. (fruit, dairy product, oilseeds ...).Dinner on the return from work, with starchy foods.

Night work (10 p.m.-6 a.m.):

In this case, it is important to make a complete and balanced dinner with animal proteins, starchy foods and vegetables, 1 hour before work.A snack between 1 and 3 a.m. to maintain vigilance: animal proteins (ham, chicken ...), vegetables and starchy foods.Have a light but sweet breakfast: hot chocolate, spreading bread.A balanced lunch at raising.

What to do to no longer snack?

Encquering is a bad habit that many people have and that does not favor a good fetal maintenance as well as to a quality sleep.Our expert delivers his advice.

Why are some people nibble in the evening?

Dr Cyril Gauthier: There may be several explanations.An emotional need can first be a source of snack at the end of the evening after the meal, sweet products intended to comfort it.Then an unbalanced diet: if the dinner is too rich in poor quality sugar (high glycemic index), variations in blood sugar can generate cravings.Similarly if the meals of the day are back or in a hurry, the subject fills its energy delay in the evening while evacuating the pressure from the possible accumulated mental load.Finally, an esophageal reflux can push some to eat foods intended to stamp acidity.

And when does it happen at night?

Dr Cyril Gauthier: We are talking about noctophagy which is a food behavior disorder.This would concern 8 to 30 % of subjects in obesity.The person gets up at any time of the night to eat, often in order to fill a void, calm anxiety and thus go back to sleep more easily.This is favored by sleep disorders which themselves promote overweight, so maintain this phenomenon.

How to remedy these food intake?

Dr Cyril Gauthier: In the case of people who nibble in the evening, it is necessary to restore a good food balance, to promote a sufficient contribution of tryptophan and in complete cereals or cereals to satisfy without fluctuations of blood sugar.Getting a ritual (2 squares of chocolate for example) is possible a little later to avoid cracking phenomena.In the case of emotional nibbling and, above all, noctophagy, global management (sophrology, behavioral therapy ...) is essential.

14 days of winter menus

Starting to lose weight while sleeping?Here are two weeks of menus to sleep like a baby and lose your eyes closed.

Week 1:

Monday: lunch: as a starter, grated vinaigrette carrots.In the dish, 120 g of black location with tomato coulis accompanied by spinach.For dessert, plain yogurt.Dinner: 150 to 200 g wild rice accompanied by a leek fondue.For dessert, an apple baked in cinnamon.

Tuesday: lunch: as a starter, nut lamb's shit salad and walnut oil.In the dish, 120 g grilled chopped steak accompanied by green beans and for 2 squares of dark chocolate with more than 75 % cocoa.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of Dhal of Corail lentils with carrots and onions.For dessert, 3 figs.

Wednesday: lunch: as a starter, beet vinaigrette.120 g pork cutest fillet accompanied by a celery puree.For dessert, 30 g of almonds.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of quinoa with tomato coulis accompanied by sautéed zucchini.For dessert, a poached pear.

Thursday: Lunch: Red cabbage Vinaigrette 120 g of grilled salmon steak.Fennel.Goat faisselle.Dinner: a cauliflower velvety and 150 to 200 g of semi-complete pasta with pesto.For dessert, an orange.

Friday: Lunch: Endives Vinaigrette 120 g of turkey cutlet with Brussels Cabbage mushrooms with smothered 2 squares of dark chocolate with more than 75 % cocoa.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of gourmet cereal mixture accompanied by a ratatouille.For dessert, an apple.

Saturday: lunch: as a starter, asparagus spikes with balsamic vinegar.In the dish, 120 g of pan -fried molds with julienne shallot of light cream vegetables.For dessert, sheep yogurt.Dinner: 2 buckwheat pancakes with garnish of cheese and vegetables of your choice (tomato, leek fondue, ratatouille ...).Accompanied by a green salad salad.

Sunday: lunch: as a starter, black radish with the croque.In the dish, 120 g of Rosbif accompanied by sautéed broccoli.For dessert, 2 squares of dark chocolate with more than 75 % cocoa.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of bulgur accompanied by couscous vegetables.For dessert, an apple compote with vanilla.

Week 2:

Monday: lunch: as a starter, grated white vinaigrette cabbage.In the dish, 120 g roasted cod accompanied by peas and carrots.For dessert, 30 g of hazelnuts.Dinner: 2 Tartins Bruschetta Fresh Goat Olive Oil Tomato.Accompanied by a rocket salad.For dessert, a pear.

Tuesday: lunch: as a starter, a vinaigrette lawyer.In the dish, 120 g of veal cutlet with cream accompanied by a pan -fried mushrooms.For dessert, a bifidus yogurt.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of complete spaghetti with crushed tomatoes.For dessert, a banana.

Wednesday: lunch: as a starter, a beet in the vinaigrette.In the dish, 120 g sautéed tofu accompanied by Asian vegetables with wok.For dessert, 2 squares of dark chocolate with more than 75 % cocoa.Dinner: as a starter, a pumpkin velvety.On the dish, 150 to 200 g of broccoli risotto.For dessert, 1⁄2 Pomelo.

Thursday: lunch: as a starter, vinaigrette leeks.In the dish, 120 g of roast pork accompanied by a butternut puree.For dessert, Faisselle.Dinner: as a starter, a cauliflower.In the dish, 200 g of broken pea, carrots and onions with curry.For dessert, an apple.

Friday: lunch: as a starter, grated red vinaigrette cabbage.In the dish, 120 g of oil sardines accompanied by sautéed zucchini.For dessert, 30 g of almonds.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of quinoa accompanied by a pan -fried vegetables.For dessert, grapes.

Saturday: lunch: as a starter, Celery Rémoulade.In the dish, 120 g chopped steak accompanied by green beans.For dessert, plain yogurt.Dinner: 150 to 200 g of semolina with an eggplant rist.For dessert, a topped poached pear with 1 square of melted dark chocolate.

Sunday: Lunch: Enentré des Endives with nuts and vinaigrette.In the dish, 120 g of rose fillet accompanied by a leek fondue.For dessert, 2 squares of dark chocolate with more than 75 % cocoa.Dinner: as a starter, a house of varied houses homemade.On the dish, 150 to 200 g of coconut milk lentils.For dessert, a mango brunoise.

A lire aussiAuteur : Caroline Henry , Journaliste nutrition minceurExperts : Dre Joëlle Adrien, neurobiologiste, directrice de recherche à l’Inserm, Centre du sommeil et de la vigilance, Hôtel-Dieu (AP-HP) ; Valentina Andreeva, chercheuse en épidémiologie nutritionnelle à l’EREN, université Sorbonne Paris Nord ; Anthony Berthou, diététicien- nutritionniste, spécialisé en nutrition et environnement ; Marie-Pierre St-Onge chercheuse en nutrition au centre du sommeil, université de Columbia à New York ; Dr Cyril Gauthier, nutritionniste à l’Espace médical nutrition et obésité (EMNO) Dijon. Article mis à jour