How to succeed on MyM and Onlyfans?

At the top of social networks that save as much money as possible is Onlyfans and MyM.MyM being the French equivalent of Onlyfans, these two booming platforms are ultra trendy.But these two social networks are very special: subscribers pay to obtain ultra sexy special and exclusive content!Find out how to succeed on MyM and Onlyfans.

So how is it possible to earn a living on these platforms?O Magazine reveals all the possibilities available to you to allow you to succeed just with your two networks.But before, what is onlyfans and mym in reality?

Onlyfans and MyM: What is it?

As we said above, Onlyfans and MyM are nothing more than social networks, but not like the others!Their peculiarity is simple: to make money thanks to exclusive sexual subscriptions and content.Onlyfans is an English platform while MyM (Meet Your Model) is its French equivalent.

Successful on Mym and Onlyfans by becoming a top model

It is certain that you have already been able to create on other networks like Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok or Snapchat a community that follows you quite regularly.Why not monetize it?It is difficult to monetize thanks to the classic networks but Mym and Onlyfans give you the opportunity to make this community a gold mine.You just need to register on one of these networks and inform your community with specific links and hashtags.But that's not all, you can also win subscribers directly on these networks.

Onlyfans and MyM work like other social networks.You can share your photos and videos.You can also make your publications visible or choose to make some of your content accessible to a few privileged.On these different networks, you have every chance that at least 2% of your subscribers are ready to pay just to see your content or to have the possibility of entering into communication with you.If you have for example 2000 subscribers on Instagram, you are likely to get at least 20 subscribers on MyM or onlyfans.

Comment réussir sur Mym et OnlyFans ?

You are surely wondering how much you can win with these platforms.Well !The price is you who fix it.There are still certain rules to respect.With MyM for example, it is not possible to request less than € 9.99 and more than € 49.99.So you can set your prices in this range.

Successful on MyM and Onlyfans taking care of your audience

It is not enough to post photos of you every week to succeed on these two platforms.You need to pay fairly special attention to your subscribers.Even if your posts are attractive and sexy, it is necessary to pamper your customers, to listen to them.To do this, you must be present by responding to their comments for example.

Some pay indeed to get to know you beyond your posts.They need to feel comfortable and considered.But beware, that does not mean accepting everything: you have the right and the possibility of banning those who behave badly with you!

Also read: sexy lingerie on a daily basis is possible!

Become a platform ambassador

If you do not imagine posting a photo where a video of you in "sexy" mode, you have another option to succeed on the MyM and Onlyfans networks.You can simply become a platform ambassador.Whether on mym or onlyfans, you have the possibility of sponsoring models.Indeed, your role will be to find top models for the platform.Thus, you will receive 10% of the revenues of the models that will be died on the platform through your intermediary.Thus, if a model that registers thanks to you manages to earn € 1,000 per month, you will therefore receive € 100.The more you bring models the more you have a gain of course.

You can also find other ambassadors for the platform.They become your godchildren and again, you perceive 10 %.You receive your earnings from platforms, nothing is removed from the account of your godchildren or models.In other words, everyone wins, nobody loses!

Here you are, you know everything now!You can embark on the adventure!You don't lose anything while trying.And if you already have a community committed and interested in your activity on your social networks, you are sure that some will be ready to pay to have exclusive content.So don't hesitate, maybe it's time!