HR trends 2021: here's what you need to maintain or improve

Published January 7, 2021By Mourad Hamed Abdelouahab

After a year of ups and downs (especially lows), human resources managers will face major challenges in 2021. This pandemic will push people in HR to be creative and redouble their efforts after a few difficult months during which recruitment stopped or decreased at best.

We have chosen a few trends that we believe are essential for the coming year. Basically, 5 behaviors and habits to improve or establish in your workplace. Here they are :

  1. Integrating employees into telework digitally
  2. Maintaining the corporate culture in telework
  3. Remote leadership exercise
  4. Gamification
  5. Diversity and Inclusion in Business

Throughout this article, we will detail these trends and explain the changes expected, as well as the results they should generate.

1. Integrating remote employees digitally

When you start training a new employee remotely, it is important to give them all the resources they need to succeed from the start. A bit more preparation is required due to the increased technical requirements. Working from home is a new situation for many of us, so make sure you always allow time to adjust to any technical issues.

HR managers should make it a point to ask new hires if they have any concerns or need clarification. This integration period should be made up of permanent dialogue between the manager and the employee.

If not, find a way to show your excitement about welcoming the new employee a few days before they start their job. A welcome email with an explanation of the job entry procedure and the course of the first days within his team will be welcome. Your new resource is bound to feel comfortable and expected. You show de facto that you are involved in his well-being at work.

2. Maintaining the corporate culture in teleworking

Many companies have not been able to manage the forced transition to teleworking. Their corporate culture has taken a serious hit. We have pointed this out in another article. To summarize this point, we will say that it will be necessary to continue to support your employees. Even if we are used to the crisis, we do not all experience it in the same way.

HR Trends 2021: Here's what you maintain or improve

An employee supported in times of crisis will feel a sense of belonging and will defend the colors of his company. He will feel more invested in the evolution of his employer. The corporate culture is first transmitted by and through those who run it.

Any manager must make a minimum of effort to participate in organized activities. He must take the pulse of his teams, set an example by getting involved during the various meetings.

Otherwise, we will have to continue to be creative so as not to fall into repetition. Suffice to say that it is a great challenge to organize social activities in times of pandemic, while waiting for better days.

3. Remote leadership exercise

As you know, according to the various authorities, we still have some time to go with teleworking and physical distancing. No company can exercise permanent control over its employees for fear of seeing them go to the chain.

A valuable piece of advice for all managers is to change or improve their management practices. Micromanagement is always wanting to monitor and control everything. Find the right mix of meetings and work get-togethers to let employees focus on what they do best: their work! Trust and let go of the temptation of absolute control.

Review your performance indicators and set new goals for your employees. If you trust them, they will know how to mobilize to reach new heights.

4. Gamification

This is a beautiful Anglicism that we could explain as the use of games in areas where they can be constructive. Whether for welcoming and integrating new employees or during recruitment campaigns, fun games are increasingly used. This trend should continue in 2021 in a context of widespread telework.

What better than play to bring teams together and get them thinking in a fun way? You could think of creating these kinds of activities that will increase the motivation and loyalty of your employees. At the same time, your employer brand will be improved and you will be able to observe beneficial effects in the long term.

5. Diversity and inclusion in business

The strength of a work team is its diversity in all its grandeur and beauty. The year 2020 was made up of debates on diversity and events that shook international news.

When we talk about diversity, we are also talking about diversity of skills and careers. Recruiters will have to avoid cognitive biases, but also certain prejudices linked to lack of experience and training.

Each of us comes from a different background, has different qualities and abilities. The important thing is to be able to agree on our objectives and achieve them.

Of course, avoid asking questions related to age, origin, paternity or maternity. This type of question is clearly discriminatory and can damage the image of your company, even if these questions often start from good intentions or simple curiosity.

If you have an international workforce in your teams, do not forget to consider the experiences gained abroad. Many had to retrain professionally when they arrived in Canada. Know how to recognize this investment and reward your employees. They will certainly be able to give it to you.

2020 trends still relevant

A year ago, we were talking to you about the development of the employer brand. This trend is still relevant, especially in the context of the health crisis. Employees are often in need of recognition at work, especially in times of pandemic.

The goal isn't to make your company look the coolest, it's more about showcasing your values ​​and working environment. If you make your expertise a strength, let it be known. On the other hand, if your actions within your community are significant, your future employees must know it.

To finish…

These five trends are not the only ones to watch for this year. Of course, you will have to keep your good habits in human resources management. Recognition, sharing, transparency and fairness remain timeless trends.

In 2021, it will take extra effort to mobilize your employees around your company culture, reinforce it as much as possible in order to keep everyone together.