Hunting, vaccination, presidential Hot topics to avoid during Christmas meals

Offering gifts to loved ones, watching TV movies under a blanket, eating good products... On December 24 and 25, everything seems to be in place to keep the magic of the end-of-year celebrations going. But, at Christmas, you will not escape the endless meals during which you will (re)discover the very strong opinions of your family members.

Because, despite the recommendations of the Scientific Council aimed at limiting the number of guests around the table, you will surely share a turkey with chestnuts and/or a frozen log with an uncle whom you only see once a year and whose you would like to forget the opinions on all the social issues that have been controversial during the year.

So, to avoid any annoyance, here is a non-exhaustive list of current topics that we advise you not to discuss between snails and salmon.

Presidential 2022

"The French Christmas meal discussions must revolve around our candidate." Christian Jacob, president of the Republicans, had presented his ambitions at the end of last November: that the French speak of Valérie Pécresse between two sips of champagne.

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However, this is the trap to avoid. There is nothing more divisive than politics and, given the number of candidates for the 2022 presidential election, it is almost impossible for all the guests to reach a consensus. Emmanuel Macron, Éric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse or Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the arguments could fuse and the plates fly.

Vaccination and the health pass

Chasse, vaccination, présidentielle Les sujets d'actualité à éviter lors des repas de Noël

France's vaccination policy is also a sensitive subject that could divide your family members. Vaccination pass, free tests, booster dose, vaccination of children, the debates will never end. Something to melt the log.

If the subject is not to be discussed at the table, it is however important to talk about it before meeting in order to take the safest health measures for the protection of all.

The ban on hunting

Are you more on the side of Yannick Jadot, EELV candidate, who wants to ban hunting during weekends and school holidays, or that of Willy Schraen, president of the National Federation of Hunters? The debate has been raging for several months and is revived with each hunting accident - very frequent in recent weeks. Whatever happens, it will be difficult to find a middle ground to satisfy both sides.

inclusive writing

"Inclusive writing seems silly to me." This sentence from the writer Janine Boissard could well come out of the mouth of one of the guests at your Christmas meal and trigger some lyrical flights. In the news for several years, the controversy around inclusive writing came back to the fore in November when the pronoun "iel" entered the online version of the Le Robert dictionary. A subject that could create a generational divide between the traditional defenders of French and the "inclusive" reformers of the language of Molière.

Foie gras and fir trees

How to finish this selection of subjects to avoid without those which will come irremediably on the carpet, because they are an integral part of the traditional Christmas festivities? This year again, foie gras and Christmas trees are the target of several environmental mayors. They believe that the production of foie gras is contrary to animal welfare while it is not respectful of nature to kill trees to decorate them. So think twice before giving your advice on how to best maintain your Nordmann or offering everyone a slice of foie gras from the South-West. Watch out for indigestion!

The editorial staff recommends Listening also RTL Evenement Noël: in Chanat-la-Mouteyre, a New Year's Eve in respect of barrier gestures - 3m56snoël celebrates family