I can't stop looking at his history, which he takes care to empty every day

“It's complicated” is a kind of modern letter from the heart in which you tell your stories – in all their complexity – and where a columnist answers you. This columnist is Lucile Bellan. She is a journalist: neither shrink, nor doctor, nor guru. She just wanted to talk about your problems. If you want to send him your stories, you can write to this address: [email protected]

You can also leave your message on our voicemail by calling 07 61 76 74 01 or by Whatsapp at the same number. Lucile will answer you soon in "It's complicated, the podcast", the episodes of which you can find here.

«Je n’arrête pas de regarder son historique, qu’il prend soin de vider tous les jours»

And to find the previous chronicles, it's here.