"I saw the two pink auréoles under my t-shirt. The world is not ready"- after a containment without bras, the hard return to social life for the no

During confinement, many women have stopped carrying a bra.After these few months, how is the return to community life without the cursed underwear?


Containment will have encouraged the "degreasing" of bustiers, bras, corsets and bras of all kinds.A habit that some took during these weeks at home and that many wanted to keep.An Ifop survey revealed in July 2020 that, now 7% of French women had adopted the "No-Bra", against 3% before the epidemic.

Molded in an imposed model, the breast must be: round, high, without apparent nipple, and often medium in size, if it wants to suit the standard.A fictitious representation, which sometimes makes you forget the true appearance of a chest without bodice.

Yleanne, who explains to have "a fairly strong breast (95d)", has long thought that she could not "afford" to no longer wear a bra, because her breasts "would fall too much and that it would therefore not benot pretty " ".The 23 -year -old woman talks about confinement as what would have "triggered the click".Today, it's been a little over six months since she doesn't wear it anymore.At all.A choice that she is far from regretting: "It's really great!No more suspenders that scient me, no more feeling of being compressed, less hot and much more self-esteem!His former feeling was also exceeded."I (re) discovered my breasts and their forms, I learned to love them without an external support.»»

Un ressenti partagé par Lisa, 24 ans, qui précise, qu’en plus d’une volonté d’atteindre « le top du confort»», elle a aussi fait ça « dans un souci d’acceptation de soi»». Son but, « s’habituer à la forme de ses seins au naturel, sans qu’ils soient « galbés»» par un soutien-gorge, même sans armatures»».

Mathilde âgée de 35 ans, retirait quant à elle déjà son soutien-gorge avant le confinement, « systématiquement»» et avec « un soupir de soulagement»» en rentrant d’une journée de travail, Si, plus jeune, elle avait fini par s’habituer, c’est en « vieillissant et en se forgeant une solide conscience féministe»» que « cette convention sociale, devenue contrainte»», lui est apparue de plus en plus contradictoire face à ses convictions. Cela faisait donc plusieurs années qu’en dehors du bureau, elle vivait, « très épanouie»» sans soutien-gorge. Arrêter d’en porter durant le confinement et ces jours de télétravail a donc été un comportement « naturel»» pour la trentenaire, « presque 6 mois sans en porter… Quel bonheur !»» continue la Nantaise.

« Je n’attends qu’une seule chose, la fin de la journée»»

But going back to work without bras is not easy for everyone.Especially when you know, that current society is not the most welcoming when it comes to getting rid of certain standards.Eon often lends a behavior within female that does not necessarily correspond to it. Impossible d’oublier les 48% de Français qui pensent qu’une femme pratiquant le « no bra»» prend plus de risque d’être harcelée ou agressée.And even less the 20% believing that this should be an attenuating circumstance for the aggressor.Youhou.This world is wonderful.

Snaps that Mathilde is well aware, forcing him, one morning, to adapt her outfit so that she is acceptable to the eyes of society."To go to the office, I decided to put a white t-shirt.The small regulatory check in the mirror before leaving showed me the two small pink halos in transparency under my t-shirt.And I think the world is not ready to face this.The female breast is, as opposed to male, obscene in the collective unconscious (we decipher all that, and as it becomes a weapon, here).It is almost acceptable that it is free, provided that it is covered.So I had to face a dilemma: change your outfit to suit my new lifestyle or keep my outfit by putting a bra, and thus hide my chest.I opted for the second option.»»

Juliette, qui travaille avec des enfants, confie avoir eu « peur de la réaction que pourraient avoir leurs parents, de trouver cela « vulgaire»» par exemple.»» Si la jeune femme de 26 ans n’a eu aucune remarque de son entourage, elle a pu remarquer des regards plus appuyés dans la rue.

Laura, pour qui « le fait d’arrêter le port du soutif a été une vrai libération»», explique qu’un lieu la prive encore de sa liberté : son lieu de travail."I work in a large fairly well -known brand that sells phones and others.There, they provide us with t-shirts so that we are all the same and clearly visible, but they yawn a lot.I still cannot come without bras because I know that customers, and even my colleagues, mainly men, still sexualize the chest. Pour ne pas attirer les regards, je me sens obliger d’en porter, je me sentirais tellement mal à l’aise si un client ou un manager se mettait à apercevoir mes tétons… Du coup, je me force malheureusement et je n’attends qu’une seule chose : la fin de la journée»», confie-elle tristement.

Free, above all

D’autres ont « passé le cap»» de l’étape « délicate»», comme le dit Emeline, de venir au boulot sans soutien-gorge."It was left or double.And finally I dared.And what freedom!After all, if it bothers someone, too bad for him, that he looks elsewhere. Moi je me sens libre»», affirme l’habitante d’Avallon.

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Tell us how your relationship to the bra has changed since containment

Lisa also decided to overcome the opinions of the most refractory, preferring to favor her desires: "I am absolutely not embarrassed by the fact that we guess my breasts under the clothes!And the resumption of work has not changed anything, on the contrary, I realized that I was doing a lot of the eyes of others, it is my body and my comfort!I encourage those who do not dare to pass the course to do it, and especially to do what they want!Whether it's wearing a bra or not, we do what we want with our body, we have everything different needs and desires!Today for me it's free the boobs, the bra will only serve as a aesthetic accessory, if I want.»»

Un bel encouragement, en espérant, qu’un jour, il n’y ait plus à se poser la question d’avoir une tenue « appropriée»» ou non avant de sortir de chez soi.Whether we are, with, or without bras.


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