In Aunay-sur-Odon, you can find extreme bras

By Isabelle Innocenti Published on La Voix le Bocage See my news

You have large breasts and/or a very small bust… that's no longer a problem. At Muriel lingerie in Aunay-sur-Odon (Calvados), you will find the ideal bra.

With a broad smile, the shopkeeper explains the success of her business. It should be noted that dresser-costumer by trade, Muriel Sébire, has a good eye. This is how when his client pushes the door of his shop, just a glance is enough to know which size suits him. Then, place is made for fittings and how to place a breast in a bra cup. Advice that may seem futile, but yet that makes the difference especially when you need an XXL size.

Because at Muriel lingerie, there is a wide choice of models, but also rare sizes. You can find from 75 to 115 and cups up to K and on order up to N. Yes, you read right up to N. A particularly rare size that chain stores do not dare to stock. The professional adds:

License to sell prostheses

A Aunay-sur-Odon, on trouve des soutiens-gorge de l'extrême

A rare offer that brings customers from afar: the North of France, Yvelines, Paris or even Granville… You have to be a woman to know how important maintaining a bra is. “It completely changes the posture of the body,” she adds.

By favoring the comfortable side of the large size bra, women do not forget to be sexy. In any case, this is what Muriel Sébire defends, who has chosen to sell only certain brands.

A humanist markdown that the trader has adopted to also sell prostheses for women who have been operated on for breast cancer.

Since obtaining its approval to sell this type of product, it has worked in particular with the Viroise association Cœur de Fam.

> To read also: a privatized shop opens in Vire

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