In the bowels of Rungis, the largest wholesale market in the world

A thick fog hangs over the night. Only a few more kilometers on the A6, a dozen roundabouts and here we are at the MIN, for “market of national interest”. It's 4 a.m., Paris is still sleeping soundly and Rungis (Val-de-Marne), 7 km from Paris, has been awake for a long time. The biggest wholesale market in the world left the capital a was 50 years old, on March 3, 1969 precisely, on the occasion of the “move of the century”. Under military convoy. Today, its 234 hectares can still be visited as a small city in its own right. With its codes, its upside-down life, its regulars and its… polar temperatures.

Dans les entrailles de Rungis, le plus grand marché de gros du monde