Emmanuel Macron interview on TF1 and LCI: Find the main statements of the Head of State

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, granted a long interview to TF1 and LCI, recorded on Sunday and broadcast on Wednesday December 15, on TF1 and LCI, from 9:05 p.m..Entitled "Where is France going?"", The interview is carried out by Audrey Crespo-Mara and Darius Rochebin.

"Yellow vests", Covid-19, economic results ...: the head of state, who did not officially declare candidate for a second term, must notably return to this interview "on the way in which he hasexperienced his five -year term "and on" his vision of the future ", said the TF1 group.

This interview, which occurs four months from the presidential election, is very criticized by the opposition.The candidate of the Republicans, Valérie Pécresse, and that of environmentalists, Yannick Jadot, announced that they seized the Superior Audiovisual Council in the name of "equity" in the distribution of speaking time."Obviously, this program is not part of the exercise of the office of President of the Republic, but rather within the framework of the future presidential election," castigated the president of the Ile-de-France.

Entretien d’Emmanuel Macron sur TF1 et LCI : retrouvez les principales déclarations du chef de l’Etat

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