Jonathan Matijas: Illan tries to take revenge after his testimony to the police station, he replied

Jonathan Matijas témoigne contre Illan, ce dernier se venge !

After announcing that he went to the police station to testify within the framework of an ongoing case, Internet users very quickly brought together with Illan's sexual assault case.Indeed, after these revelations, the young man quickly got carried away, and did not hesitate to insult his rival, before making shock revelations!

Illan then claimed to be in possession of a compromising video of Jonathan, and reveals his conversation with Shanna, after having sent her."Suddenly I sent the video to his girl, I will not post the video here I have too many principles.Exclusive !!!!Now it's very simple, there is one who wants to scratch buzz on me, I finish it no limit."And in this conversation, we discover what the candidate wrote to him to accompany his video" You will say to your fdp of guy he leaves me alone.Your guy's pork who wants to give people life to people, whom he sweeps away from his door.Teach him to get involved in his business!You have when he has finished nicping you he will leave you like a m*erde.»»

Not long ago, Shanna decided to answer all this story herself, and she does not hesitate to tackle Illan and to make fun of him.Indeed, the young woman and her darling accuse her of lying.According to the couple, it would not be Jonathan in the video.

Jonathan Matijas : Illan tente de se venger après son témoignage au commissariat, il répond

On the same subject

Illan, at war with Jonathan Matijas: he responds to his threats and made big revelations

Shanna et Jonathan répliquent !

Shanna explains: "So I'm in a recording studio quietly, and I go to my Insta DM and I see that this person wrote Illan (...) I am recording and I see this message (...) Already I don't understand.I do not understand where it comes from why or how, already the end of the sentence makes me laugh a lot because he says a lot about my darling when I never go out my credit card, that's it, you have tothe knowledge.But that there, this thing is very serious.(…) So when I see that after reading the message I click on the video I want to know what is he sending me you see?He looks annoyed the guy.And there I see a guy masturbating.I tell myself what is that?In addition he sends me that, the close -up thing. (…)»»

Jonathan Matijas : Illan tente de se venger après son témoignage au commissariat, il répond

Avant d’ajouter : « Et donc en fait je comprends après en lisant le truc, je me dis « non mais c’est une blague !»» Ça soit disant c’est mon chéri ? (…) Déjà j’aurais reconnu, mon chéri je le connais donc je sais que ce n’est pas lui, et en plus pourquoi tu m’envoies ça ? Enfin qu’il y ait des histoires, moi je n’y suis pour rien, pourquoi tu m’envoies ça à moi ? Qu’est-ce que tu essayes de faire ? Et puis en plus tu es bête ! (…) Soit disant sur la vidéo c’est mon chéri, je le connais mon chéri ! T’es c*on ou quoi ? Je sais que ce n’est pas lui ! (…)»»

Very quickly, Jonathan Matijas speaks.He also accuses the young man of having gone up on a to Z and even reveals to his subscribers a technique to change the snap nicknames of their contacts in order to make them pass for someone else.According to Jonathan, this whole story would therefore be only a simple attempted revenge on the part of Illan.He adds also: "It's been 2 days since I said and did things about me and I don't say anything.Before yesterday he insulted my family, darling and swallowed a lot of lies about me: I didn't say anything!Except that yesterday was too far he sent videos of a man who mas*turbe by making believe that it is me on the video!And that it was I who sent them to women. Et c’est à tous les blogueurs ainsi qu’à ma chérie qu’il envoie tout ça !!! Cette vidéo est un montage ! Colporter ces mensonges et ces fausses rumeurs c’est très dangereux !»»

Jonathan (LMVSMONDE4): he makes revelations about the fire of the villa!

Jonathan: We told you thatillan was younger and thinner before bodybuilding.Jonathan, the darling of Sarah Lopez, confided on social networks on the fire of the Villa of LMVSMONDE4.We give you his testimony.A painful memory LMVSMONDE4 is, as with each shoot with the Marseillais, full of twists and turns![…]

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