Jordan Castor, engineer and blind, improves the accessibility of Apple products |Macgeneration

L’accessibilité n’est pas un vain mot chez Apple, qui intègre dans ses systèmes d’exploitation un maximum de fonctions d’aide à l’utilisation pour les personnes atteintes de handicaps. Mashable, un des canaux officieux de la communication d’Apple, dresse le portrait de Jordan Castor, une ingénieure de 22 ans qui travaille à Cupertino. Aveugle de naissance, sa mission est d’aider au développement des fonctions d’accessibilité dans les produits du constructeur.Jordan Castor, ingénieure et aveugle, améliore l'accessibilité des produits Apple | MacGeneration Jordan Castor, ingénieure et aveugle, améliore l'accessibilité des produits Apple | MacGeneration

Accepted as an intern in 2015 after a job fair, the young engineer was quick to be hired definitively.She is working in particular on Voice Over and worked on Swift Playground, the programming language discovery workshop on iPad, in order to make it accessible to children with deafness of deafness.

Jordan Castor, ingénieure et aveugle, améliore l'accessibilité des produits Apple | MacGeneration

Between two very nice words for Apple, the article of the site still slides information: Watchos 3 will integrate a function which will give the time with tapping.The Taptic Engine integrated into the Apple Watch "Toquera" the time on the user's wrist.

Jordan, very enthusiastic about her profession, the teams with which she works and obviously Apple, has barely a year of seniority with her new employer that already, she speaks of transmission and inheritance.It is perhaps still a little early to envisage the future as well, especially as it says without ambocusses: the accessibility functions continue to evolve, it is not a task that wecan accomplish then check without coming back.So she still has a lot of work to do.