Juliette Armanet, young woman on fire

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSt first there was nothing, or almost.In the exaltation of having given birth to a little boy and in the unprecedented solitude of confinement dissipated the echo of the closed counters and the mad success of a first album, "Girlfriend".Then remained the feeling of having spent months in a spinner, the joy of having triumphed mingling with the disappointment of having shortened a tour because of pregnancy.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlone, faced with his white leaf and his piano, Juliette HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSrmanet felt to start from scratch, while the second album of Clara Luciani or Eddy de Pretto was already announced.."Less than zero," even confides this chronic anxious, renowned in the profession for his requirement.Sometimes admitting her disarray on social networks, she got back to work, going up for three years slowly but surely the slope.The spark spurred out of his sessions in a studio rented in Trouville, where his son and his nanny accompanied him: the idea of a "big disc", not "struggling to enjoy" or narrow, an uninhibited album which n'would not be afraid of frankly dancing songs or radically melancholy ballads to the sublime flights of strings.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSn album that would leave the "girlfriend" aside to celebrate the woman she had become, more sensual, more peaceful, more exalted too, with an assertive ambition and a sense of baroque and excess.

Perhaps inspired unconsciously by "portrait of the girl on fire", this film by Céline Sciamma that she cherishes, the ex-journalist and author of documentaries for HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSrte and France Culture had only to crack a match."The last day of the disco" was born, the first title of the Renaissance and the reconquest, recorded in a grip, in a larger voice, high perched, incredibly assured, not hesitating to rekindle the ashes of the straw firesDivas of Disco."Burn fire" followed, an album with facets as the most precious of diamonds, where she explores the dark shore of Disco.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Soul and R'n'B disc, flamboyant, non -binary (she sometimes expresses herself to it in the masculine, as in the title "Imagine love" in which she says "imagine stronger until I go mad"), where she turns out to be outstanding singer and sharp musician, at the controls of orchestrations with five producers including the famous Yuksek.Roué, zapping all the subjects in tune with the times, she focuses on one: love.The only one maybe, in these times of pandemic and great ideological upheavals, which still brings us together.

Well determined to embark on the battle to make her second album exist, Juliette HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSrmanet recently gave a private concert intended for the press where, on stage, she boxed as much as she danced, managed to move as much to make hermore refractory.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs during the shoot of her, where it was enough from a Stevie Wonder or "Born to Be HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlive" by Patrick Hernandez so that her little silhouette dressed in glitter suddenly ignites.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSt 37, Juliette HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSrmanet is a whirlwind of energy inhabited by a sacred fire that requires respect, and the songwriter of an album that speaks of liberation of bodies and self-reinvention.Interview.

© Jan Welters

SHE. Pour vous, faire la couverture de « SHE », c'est…

Juliette HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSrmanet. … un événement ! Ma mère le lisait, ma grand-mère aussi, en buvant son Martini le soir sur sa terrasse, et j’ai une couv de SHE avec Charlotte Rampling affichée dans mes toilettes.It is mythical, like an entry to the pantheon of the figures of powerful women.

SHE.Is your image important for you?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.It obsesses me!The image is one aspect of my work that I really like. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSujourd’hui, j’ai un styliste, Jonathan Huguet, mais quand j’ai commencé, je m’habillais en noir des pieds à la tête parce que j’étais bourrée de complexes.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnd I wanted my music to go before my look.But thanks to the tour of my first album and the confidence it gave me, I am now much more fit to play with my body, to show ends of skin.On this shoot, there are times when I was just in bra or bra, it would have been impossible before.There, I say to myself, well, I do 1.58 meters, I don't have a lot of chest, I have wide shoulders, a not hyper symmetrical face, but now, this body can have sensuality.This second disc tells this liberation of the body as much as my path as a musician.If it continues, I don't know where it will lead us, naked on the island of the Levant?[Laughs.]]

"I sometimes see me as a 75 -year -old old Spanish"



J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.I met a man with whom I was able to flourish, to start a family, it helped me to trust myself.For years, it was the big sentimental failure.


J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.We are all a little there, right?It takes time to be, and fortunately, because I did lots of funny things!Having had a child also reconciled me with my body, even if I took 24 kilos.Go on tour for eight months, pregnant, allowed me to combine my desire for career and my intimate life.Thirty is a good age, I feel better than at 20 years old.The climate of female emancipation, of dialogue, the fact that the representation of the bodies is more diverse, that we are not content to show the body of Claudia Schiffer in magazines also helped me to free myself.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnd even if I do not agree with everything, I am very porous to this generation which speaks.I have passionate debates with my friends on gender relationships, on the #MeToo movement.Our answers are constantly evolving.


J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.Store someone in a box can scare me, because identity is only a starting point.I am a woman, white, certainly, but I sometimes see me as a 75 year old Spanish.What is powerful, on the other hand, is this idea of bursting standards, other ways of living love, family, or old age.Me, for example, I am 37 years old, I know that it is not the same thing as being 20 years old in music.

SHE.Do you feel it?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.No, even if I am sometimes called "the daronne of French song".O.K., why not?I had a life before music and fortunately.

SHE.To see you so possessed by music, we wonder why you did not start earlier?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.When I turned documentaries, I always got a mini-clévier at the hotel to play at night.But I had the intimate feeling that I was not yet ready, like a painter who redids his canvas because he feels that something is missing.I am a woman of metamorphoses, with a certain slowness of accomplishing me;But when I fulfill myself, it's for real.HHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSnd then my education gave me strength and fragility, because my parents were very demanding.

© Jan Welters

SHE.Did you have to be the best?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.Not the best, but be true, do not invent a artist's cap if the intention was not visceral.My father had a Protestant education, and nothing counted more than the authenticity of the gesture.

SHE.Were you convinced to be an artist?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.I never asked myself the question.I wanted to do theater, I failed at the Conservatoire.I did not regret: the idea of having a director who tells me what I must do, in the end, did not suit me.I am someone hyper tortured, and the piano, the songs have become my citadel, an incredible territory of freedom.If I hadn't opened this door, I would have missed myself.

SHE.Who have you met by accomplishing yourself?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.Someone extreme.I am proud of this disc because he helped me cure lots of things that were forty, dangerous.I no longer apologize for having desire for excess.Starting on the piano in the clip "The last day of the disco" is symbolic: I am no longer the one who was hiding behind her keyboard.If Lady Gaga goes on her piano, why not me?I don't have the same talent, but I can do it, keeping my sense of self -mockery, the key to be happy.

"For me, true love, the only one is friendship"

SHE.HHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSt school, what kind of girl did you go for?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.The one in the front row, who loved to learn. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSu collège, j’étais la moche, la copine de la star du collège, blonde et sublime.I remember writing a love letter to a guy.He read it in front of everyone saying: But what is she hoping, that one?I did not have a woman's body, while my friends all had 15 meters breasts.


J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.HHHHHHHASSSSSSS little, at the beginning.Then I put my father's shirts, I was not wearing a bra-I still didn't wear them-I dreamed of being a kind of Gainsbourg.But I have no revenge to take, it is not at all what lives in me.

SHE.In your career, have you been hampered by being a woman?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.No, but I was at the heart of this problem when I did this pregnant tour.HHHHHHASSSSSS crossroads crossed by two contrary torrents: on the one hand, one side, one hundred and fifty dates across France where you must be at the top of your form, roll at night in a bound, change city four times a week, be completely devoted to yourmusical career.On the other, an intimate revolution.I think "burn fire" comes from there too.This album does not speak only of a destructive love passion, but also of this moment when, after having a child, I had to go back in the saddle. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSvec l’appréhension du deuxième album, d’avoir été absente trop longtemps, de voir les autres artistes passer la seconde et être devant ! Et l’idée qu’il faut repartir, pour savoir ce que j’ai dans le ventre.

SHE.Torn between your passion for music and the obligation to sell?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.Tormented, because I have an extreme intransigence and musical quest.I would never have released this disc if I had not estimated that it was successful.But it is true that I am in a place where it would be vulgar to say that I want butter and money of butter, but I am looking for my music to be as noble as possible while being passionate about whatgive the album then.For me, the absolute model is Christophe, a sound researcher who spent his life pursuing an artistic ideal.But we are a generation that lives the perpetual race in Likes.I am 37 years old, this is my second album, I cannot extract myself completely from the "game", I have to fight to make my project exist.

SHE. Considérez-vous HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSngèle ou Clara Luciani, qui appartiennent au même label que vous, comme des concurrentes?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSngèle et moi, on ne fait absolument pas la même musique. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSvec Clara, nos destins sont liés d’une manière un peu étrange.On sera aux Victoires ensemble, on s’est envoyé des petits mots en se disant : advienne que pourra, restons bienveillantes l’une envers l’autre quoi qu’il arrive.

SHE.You also correspond with François Hardy, it seems...

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.I ask her for little secrets about her songs.She entrusts me with anecdotes about her life, send me photos of her and Thomas.She told me a story of thawed peas that had given her stomach ache.She has art, like Tchekhov, pretend to talk about nothing.HHHASSS way to show that she remained earth on earth, which I find very elegant, and to divert conversations to slide a revealing sentence.

SHE.Is the sorority, in music, is no longer an empty word?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.Oui, je parle sans faux-semblants avec Barbara Pravi, qui est très généreuse, solaire.Ou avec Eddy de Pretto, Yseult, Barbara Carlotti, Kiddy Smile.

SHE.In interview, you have confided being a chronic dissatisfied...

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.In pop, there is the search for perfect song, timeless diamond, this is our quest for Grail.HASs long as we have not found it, we are in a feeling of permanent dissatisfaction.

SHE.You told me that you read the last book of Mona Cholet... HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlors, comment « Réinventer l'amour »?

J.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.I do not know.But frankly, I could not share my life with anyone other than my son's father.My life requires that someone other than me is present to ensure the home, she also asks that we accept my share of light, the fact that I earn money.My companion is very attentive to my work, but never allows himself to intervene in my privacy, to ask me why I wrote this or that song.Leave me this fiction territory, grant me this extreme freedom without which I could not live, is the greatest of revolutions.And for me, true love, the only one is friendship.?

"Burn fire" (romance music/universal). En tournée en France le 29 janvier, au 6Mic (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSix-en-Provence) ; les 16 et 17 février à L’Olympia (Paris-9e)…

© Jan Welters