Night of the Sape in Bloizzaville

Whether in Holland to praise a beer, in Japan to describe a social phenomenon, or anywhere else in the world, the Sape with the definition of circumstance, the Society of ambianceurs and elegant people, institutionalized mainly by natives of both shores of the Congo River continues to make headlines, we will take as proof, the night of the sap in Bloizzaville which was feverishly prepared to be held on January 28.

In the city of Blois in France, more precisely in the Center Val de Loire region, La Halle aux grains, organized last Saturday, this festive, popular, artistic and extravagant event with the aim, according to the organizers, of "celebrating the SAPE under all its seams.

La Halle aux grains, the national scene has existed since 1993 and is part of the network of seventy-one labeled national scenes, funded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, which have set themselves several missions, including that of supporting artistic creation. .

An enticing program if ever there was one, the city of Blois in a single night took place, a choreographic creation, the cinematographic projection of the film Swagger, a conference and the Nuit de la Sape accessible to the general public which was decked out with a grand ball , fashion show, photo-call reception and Red Carpet.

It should be remembered that this evening was the culmination of a series of initiatives started more than a year ago by the Halle aux grains, which will have made it possible to create bridges between the inhabitants of Blois and, with artists and sapeurs deemed authentic.

La Sape, now anchored in the collective consciousness, now symbolizes this popular and cultural clothing phenomenon very popular in the Congo and widespread in the major cities of Europe.

Its followers dress with the great couturiers and do not skimp on extravagance, particularly in the harmony of tones and colors.

A proven social fact, it is all the members of a society who feel concerned at the mere mention of the word Sape, which is also supposed to reveal something about each of their personalities.

La Halle aux grains has proposed through this event to create a common platform with the inhabitants of Blois and the surrounding area on which will be built artistic projects resulting from multiple cultural practices.

Hence this invitation to practice elegance, to show ourselves and to cultivate our style! Let's dare extravaganceà sw'HAGger (swagger) which, according to Shakespeare, means: to parade, to show off, to walk in style, etc.

A highlight, we are told, which will have delighted and delighted women and men of taste and refinement!

Location The Halle aux Grains

2 place Jean Jaurès 41000 BloisFrance
