La Zone Mazaurette: mustache and fine lingerie for men

Has the mustache lost its sex appeal? We remember the great days when Tom Selleck, man with a mustache if ever there was one, was an absolute sex symbol, but in 2021, sporting a mustache is no longer as convincing as in the 1980s. Today, only 2% of women say they love a mustache. Too bad for the 4% of the male population who wear it. But then, who are these famous 4% who would not abandon their mustache for anything in the world? Maïa Mazaurette conducted the investigation. As a general rule, the mustachioed is rather in his sixties, Catholic, practicing and he votes at the center. Basically, the mustachioed is part of François Bayrou's fanbase. Now that the mystery of the mustache is solved, time for sex questions. This week, Maïa Mazaurette responds to Glenn who wants to know if an erection is possible even without sexual desire. Spoiler: yes. Desireless erections when getting up, sleeping, reflex erections, all men experience them every day. Maïa then responds to Julien who wonders if he is the only man in the world who likes to wear lace underwear. Blame it on sexism, we tend to think that only women can express a desire through clothing. The men would be condemned to wear neutral clothes, mat. When in fact, everyone can dress as they want, as long as they know where to look.MA LISTEPARTAGER5m