Les Frangines release a clip in tribute to Notre-Dame

The singing duo wanted to pay tribute to the Parisian cathedral two years after the fire. Their clip is an invitation to rebuild our inner cathedrals.

The new Frangines clip dedicated to the cathedral was released two years to the day after the fire at Notre-Dame de Paris.


It's their way of marking the second anniversary of the fire that ravaged Notre-Dame de Paris on April 15, 2019. The Frangines yesterday released a new song dedicated to the Parisian cathedral, which they titled simply “Notre-Dame”. “On April 15, 2019, firefighters saved Notre-Dame from the flames. Our song is a tribute to Notre-Dame de Paris but also to all those people who, like these firefighters, participate in rebuilding lives”, confide Anne Coste and Jacinthe Madelin on their Facebook page.

"This fire was an extremely strong and moving event not only because of the scale of the flames, but also through all the reactions it may have aroused, explains the duo to the ChartsinFrance site. In retrospect, we could see how striking the symbol was. Seeing this monument, loved by all, which has witnessed our common history for centuries in the grip of flames, revealed in each of us emotions that are beyond us”.

Les Frangines release a clip in tribute to Notre-Dame

Their song is an invitation to do good in oneself. “From a tragic event can come good. What is beautiful in this event is precisely the "good" that comes out of it, the unity that results from it to work for a reconstruction”. The refrain of their song is also eloquent on this point: “We all have a cathedral / To be rebuilt to be rebuilt / We all have good and evil within us / Which sometimes catches fire to tell us”.

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The fire of Notre-Dame de Paris in 10 questions

The Christian Family Writing

TAGS: Notre-Dame de Paris