Lille: how to recycle grandmother's placens in sexy lingerie

From chest of drawers to sexy panties.There are analogies that we do not envisage, and the work premise of the company of Julie Debove is one of them.Imagine the placemains adorning the furniture of our grandmothers transformed into glamorous lingerie seems difficult.And yet, this is the bet that the young Lille designer succeeded through her brand, Napperon.

The upcycling is in the era of time and we have seen many initiatives appear in this direction: making earrings from old vinyls, sewn sewn in old curtains, tires of tiresworn bikes metamorphosed into belts ... And in the series nothing is lost, everything is transformed, Julie Debove has set her sights on the placens, embroidered tablecloths and various veiled vested vessels disuse."I don't even know how this idea came to me.At first, I just wanted to make my own lingerie, ”explains the 25 -year -old woman.

"Producing on demand is also an eco -responsible gesture"

Its school curriculum, in communication, is 1.000 leagues of what she is considering today."I wanted to change, to do something with my hands in agreement with this eco-responsible side that drives me," she continues.Unable to sew below, parts particularly difficult to make, Julie entrusted the realization part to a model maker seamstress.The raw material, against all odds, is not lacking: "I provide myself quite a bit at Emmaüs and in a recyclerie in Pas-de-Calais which found me 80 kg of placever, enough to hold a year", assures the youngwoman.

Lille : Comment recycler les napperons de grand-mère en lingerie sexy

And as each tablecloth is unique, each piece of lingerie is also: "I cannot and do not want to make big series.Producing on demand is also an eco -responsible gesture, ”insists Julie.The models proposed are simple, it is the patterns of the tablecloths that make all the originality."The embroidery is fine and resistant and it is also very pleasant to wear," says the designer.

"I already have some pre-orders of men"

The "semi-sur-measure" production also allows customers to have lingerie adapted to their morphology.All for a reasonable price: from 39 to 45 euros for panties and from 54 to 59 euros for a bra.

In its catalog, Napperon also offers "mixed panties", for boys assuming their share of femininity."I already have some men's pre-orders for this model," enthuses Julie.Her achievements will be presented on Thursday in a shop in Biarritz, where the young woman settled in late July.The crowdfunding campaign, which has a nice success, must allow Napperon to develop, in particular by publishing a website in October.

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