Local info in Japan seeking throughout the 2022-01-12 Goto Minister concerning the management of hospitals, etc.

Minister Goto held a press conference on the preparation of the medical system for the wave of infections by the variant Omicron on January 12, 2022.During this one, he explained that health professionals who are in contact with Okinawa can exercise without isolation, provided they are tested for the new coronavirus every day.

Below is the translation of the conference.

Declaration by Minister Goto

I would like to present the results of the checks concerning the medical care supply system.We have finished the compilation today.

All the prefectures have verified that they had the organization to deliver pulse oximeters to all patients from the day of observation at home or the next day.At the same time, we were able to verify that the number of medical establishments that will surveillance of these patients and consultations went from 12,000 to the end of November from last year to 16,000.

Today, we will publish the results of the prefectures' checks, including the list of establishments that can provide consultations and monitor patients.

In addition, given the results of these verifications, we have sent a directive concerning how to manage the propagation of the Omicron variant in order to strengthen assistance to people in observation / treatment at home.

More specifically, while we will secure even more medical establishments that can follow health and provide consultations (COVID), we will ask to systematically use the My-Her-Sys application and automated systems.We will also strengthen health monitoring centers, so that, even if the number of people who need home follow -up increases, we can manage them 24 hours a day and that if they need treatment, there isConsistent management.

Then, the prefectures have already received 700,000 pulse oxies.Nevertheless, in anticipation of even faster growth in the number of cases, we have again asked them to dismiss their stocks and to secure the numbers of necessary devices, etc., in order to be able to respond completely.

In order for patients to be safe in complete safety during the steep growth of the Omicron variant, we will continue to anticipate the needs and properly equip the medical care supply system.

Today, the results of the checks are official.We asked them at the end of last year.We received them on January 7.After checking them from the first next working day on January 11.Finally, today, January 12, I present them.

Press issues

Q : Pour confirmer, 16 000 établissements médicaux pourront donc bien vérifier l’état des patients et consulter. Ensuite, il est question de revoir le mode de suivi des cas contacts.

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Last year, around 12,000 medical establishments followed and medical consultations.We have widened this number.This represents an increase of 30%.According to the checks carried out in January 2022, we would still like to increase these figures.However, we can assess that 16,000 corresponds to the standards we had in mind at the end of last year.

On the other hand, as the omicron variant is really spreading, each prefecture needed to check if their follow -up system would hold up.It is up to each prefecture to prepare for it, and they have had the opportunity to improve it.Likewise, they were able to clarify their organization.

Q : À Okinawa, le nombre de professionnels de la santé infectés augmente. Les établissements médicaux ne fonctionnent pas normalement. Pourriez-vous nous expliquer cela ?

Then, concerning cases of contacts among health professionals, there were training even when the situation was particularly difficult during the summer of last year.In this sense, we have sent circulars about the management of these points since last year.Nevertheless, in Okinawa, it must be admitted that the number of health professionals concerned by infections and who are in contact with particularly difficult situations.The Okinawa prefecture therefore asked us to change the system.The liaison team also suggested that we are changing the management mode.

Consequently, we have reconfirmed that on condition that these contacts do a screening test every day, they can engage in the provision of medical care, and we have refocused on this point.

In other words, if any other local governments should be found in the situation of Okinawa, health professionals will be able to carry out consistent tests of screening and work.

Then they are currently going from a hospital system to a home observation system.Again, we have just returned a circular so that the professionals concerned understand this system well.In any case, in the future, the prefectures, in each prefecture, the system of supply of medical care will act according to the infectious situation of each prefecture.As the propagation is rapid, each prefecture will do everything it can to predict the necessary changes and equip the system.This is the meaning.

Q : Le monde des affaires demande un raccourcissement de la période de mise en observation des cas contacts. Il aimerait que le raccourcissement ne concerne pas uniquement les professionnels de la Santé, mais également les travailleurs essentiels. De la même manière, pour les personnes asymptomatiques, si l’on ne réduit pas la durée de mise en observation, comment peut-on maintenir les activités économiques ? Le gouvernement prévoit-il de réduire ces durées ?

The question is to have enough scientific evidence, and to know how the infectious situation will spread.We do not yet know if the company will not be able to operate.I think this is a problem that we will need to think by following the evolution of the situation.I am aware that this is a theme to study, but for the moment, apart from health professionals, we have not made any decision with regard to the maintenance of essential workers.

Q : (résumée, car inaudible) Les préfectures d’Okinawa, Yamaguchi et Hiroshima font face à une augmentation du nombre de cas et ne passent plus par les services de santé. Par contre, la progression est moindre ailleurs. Comment considérez-vous ces différences ?

It all depends on the regions.Some make sure to avoid observation at home.We asked that this is possible to those who did not provide them.This time, we recommend that they change their management mode.

We have given directives so that each prefecture, including Hiroshima, Yamaguchi and Okinawa, meet their management mode.The number of 16,000 for the whole country is of the order of the macro-prevision, but it is obvious that each local government must make its forecasts and also equip itself.Then, I do not want to answer questions about each of them's strategy.

Q : donc vous continuerez à leur demander de revoir ce qui ne va pas ?

Yes.Of course, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs will give directives on the management of prefectures by referring to the infectious situation.We wish to supervise them.Likewise, we will respond to the lack of nurses, or if, for example, it was lacking in pulse oximeters, we will help for this kind of problem.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs will provide additional support when necessary.

Q : Tokyo et Osaka enregistrent une augmentation du nombre de nouveaux cas. Il a dépassé 2000 cas aujourd’hui. Comment évaluez-vous la situation et que pensez-vous de l’application des mesures prioritaires pour ces préfectures ?

On the need to apply priority measures, prefectures must first decide.Then, within the government, we have a competent minister on this point, and according to my opinion, it is to him that the question must be asked.

We are aware that the situation of Tokyo and Osaka is difficult.It is difficult, but at the level of the medical care system, Tokyo is well organized.I think decisions depend on the level of tensions.However, as the variant is particularly contagious, we need to be vigilant and correctly follow the evolution.

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