Millau: What is life wages, defended by theorist Bernard Friot?

The Café-Restaurant Associative Le Pic-Vert has exceptionally reopened, Saturday January 29 afternoon, to welcome Bernard Friot.The intellectual was invited by the Local Union of the Solidarity Syndicate to talk about life wages.Maintenance.

What is life salary?

The principle is that anyone residing in national territory has the right to a continuous salary, from 18 years to his death, without any break.This salary would be linked to his qualification and not to his post or his diploma and would start at the first level of qualification, that is to say the claimed minimum wage, or € 1,700 net.Qualification is linked to a grade and guarantees remuneration, as is already the case for civil servants for example.

How does the level of qualification evolve?

Millau : qu'est-ce que le salaire à vie, défendu par le théoricien Bernard Friot ?

By qualification tests which make it possible to go up in qualification up to a maximum salary of € 5,000 per month.So everyone starts at € 1,700, whatever their school past, handicap ... and can then evolve up to € 5,000.

How is this lifetime salary finance?

When you take what is called household disposable income, that is to say the salary, or the benefit for the self-employed, less taxes plus social benefits, is 1,400 billion euros.If we divide this by the 50 million more than 18 years that we are, we obtain € 30,000 per person per year.

During the 2017 presidential election, the concept of a wage right had been fiercely discussed.Does this subject lack for the upcoming election?

So, already, we must not confuse the basic income, the universal allowance or the lifetime salary that I defend.

Then, the presidential election is completely phagocytized by the arguments of the far right, which is completely catastrophic.And it is obvious that the issue of salary is not at all sufficiently addressed.Coming today is already trying to put this subject in the debate and to present it as a political right.