Mirabel-aux-Baronnies: residents are fighting for their ticket distributor

Economy - Social-

Par Nicolas Joly, France Bleu Drôme Ardèche, France Bleu

It's been almost a year since the only Mirabel-aux-Baronnies (Drôme) ticket distributor was destroyed.It has still not been replaced since, which forces residents to go and make their withdrawals in neighboring municipalities.A petition was launched to obtain a new.

In a month, she invited herself everywhere in the village.A banner on the town hall promotes it, the same for the posters that we discover around the walls.Almost all traders offer their customers to sign it."I did the account this morning and I am at _240 signatures_", notes Bruno, the tobacco boss.

No response from the postal bank?

Mirabel-aux-Baronnies : les habitants se battent pour leur distributeur de billets

The municipal team therefore claims not to have contact with the postal bank.For its part, the regional directorate of the Post indicates to us that it condemns the degradation of the distributor.He also claims to be _ "_ in discussion with the municipality to establish the reliability of the project".

Nicolas JolyFrance Bleu