"No Bra": how to say goodbye to your bra once and for all?

Getting rid of the bra injunction? It's simple on paper, much less in reality. To help people with a chest to get into "No Bra", Gala Avanzi, author of No Bra, what my chest says about me, gives us her advice.


It was a video posted on YouTube that decided Gala Avanzi, feminist author and creator of the online media Sorcière ta mère, to take up "No Bra". This movement, which literally means "no bra", took on a particular dimension during the confinements. Cloistered at home, the women were able to leave their bras in the closet, thus freeing themselves from the injunctions and the discomfort linked to this piece of fabric which takes the chest hostage.

A revolution? Not far away. According to an Ifop survey published in July 2020, 18% of French women under the age of 25 decided to go to "No Bra" after this period of isolation, compared to only 4% before the pandemic. Gala Avanzi dissects the phenomenon in the pages of her new book, No Bra, what my chest says about me, released on September 22 by Flammarion editions.

"What I have a problem with the bra is that it makes the breasts uniform, she laments. In a bra, all the breasts look the same, but they don't really look like what they are breasts without a bra. The breast is centered, lifted, rounded." However, breasts, there are thousands. Small ones, big ones, drooping ones, redone ones... For Gala Avanzi, getting rid of her bra is therefore a way of thumbing her nose at injunctions, and reclaiming her body.

Say goodbye to your bra, step by step

Stop wearing a bra, put it like that, it's child's play. You unclip it, you throw it away, and we don't talk about it anymore. But that would be to forget the disapproving looks on women who "dare" to wear nothing under their clothes. Because yes, the shortcuts are legion. A nipple can be guessed under an outfit? There is necessarily the intention to seduce behind.

We remember the fate reserved for Anne-Claire Coudray, presenter of the TF1 newscast, whose nipples we could guess under a faux leather dress. "Unprofessional", "biased outfit", "seductive": the nauseating comments, on social networks as in the press, had forced the presenter to publicly apologize (Gala Avanzi goes into more detail on the event in her book ).

On the same subject ⋙10 surprising facts about breasts ⋙I learned to self-palpate my breasts: do it too, it can save your life!

In this context, it is difficult to let go and get rid of this piece of fabric that we have worn for so long like a second skin. And this is precisely where Gala Avanzi comes into play! To help women and people with a chest to get into the "No Bra", the author made the trip to our studio, to express herself in a tutorial, facing the camera (find the video at the top of the article) . Here are three of his tips.

1) Go gradually: "I often hear women say that they can't get into No Bra because it hurts, etc. So you have to go slowly. For example, start by removing the underwires from your bras. Or putting on sports bras. You can also pay attention to your menstrual cycle because, during a certain period of the cycle, the breasts can be more sensitive."

2) Choose clothes suitable for the No Bra: "You will very quickly realize that the clothes are not suitable for women's breasts, but for the bra. Some with low necklines, can when you bend over forward, show your chest. Some clothes are very transparent... So there you have it, what you need to know is that there is a time when you will have to adapt your wardrobe a little bit. If indeed , the clothes were thought about in relation to a woman without a bra, I think we wouldn't have to think about it at all."

3) Make fun of other people's eyes: "I realized that I could absolutely never avoid the eyes of others, the judgment of others. And suddenly, what I wanted to remind you of is "Really, the problem doesn't come from you at all. The concern, if there is one, it comes from others. If someone makes a disparaging remark to you, if someone has a problem with you. In fact, it's his problem and not yours. So don't blame yourself."

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