Nogaro.Eroticism Fair: a first in the Gers

He will be "naughty and fun" and absolutely not porn or trash, promise the organizers of the 1st eroticism fair.The Nogaroliens association creates the event on June 20 and 21.

They chose an evocative name that will make you smile (and speak in any case!) In the city of Bas-Armagnac: Nog'ero.The Nogarolian traders' association is the first to organize an erotic fair.The event, because it will be a doubt, will take place on June 20 and 21, in the animation room ... where the entrance will be prohibited for under 18s.

“We could have stood at 16 for the age limit but it is a voluntary positioning: we do not want to be in trash and porn.It will be a naughty and fun lounge, ”promises Frédéric Galopin.

Manager of the city, "a profession which consists in energizing a territory at the request of communities, consular chambers or associations of traders", Frédéric Galopin also has its communication agency.He works with 8 municipalities in Gers to set up thematic fairs, Christmas markets or Miss competitions (see opposite).According to other cities in the department would be interested in organizing an eroticism fair."There is Fleurance, which has a libertine club and condom of course, which already has its condom museum."

But it is therefore Nogaro who launches the first.For Daniel Gillis, president of traders, "it is not a question of shocking people but of offering them a moment of pleasure and entertainment".

Nogaro. Salon de l'érotisme : une première dans le Gers

Frédéric Galopin continues: "We are going to create a surprise by showing that we are not obliged to be 3 hours drive to go to an erotic fair as there are in Bordeaux or Toulouse.It is not the prerogative of major cities.This concept of Nog'ero is something that we want to make last and that we want to duplicate elsewhere. ”

What can we see at this fair of eroticism?“We have 25 exhibitors registered at the moment.They will present naughty lingerie, sex toys, books, jewelry, piercings.We will have shows, with the French striptease champion, a rock concert on Saturday evening and we organize a pin-up concert, ”says the city manager.He has escaped anyone that this show takes place during the weekend of the truck grand prize.A free shuttle is planned between the animation room and the circuit where Nog'ero should offer an entertainment on Saturday, during the tests, with a sexy photo session in front of the trucks.

Certainly, the first weekend of the summer promises to be hot in Nogaro!

Nog'ero, 1st erotic salon, Saturday June 20, from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. and Sunday June 21 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Nogaro animation room.Entrance 10 € (prohibited for under 18s). Contacts: Nogaroliens, tel. or Mercurea agency, tel.

Practical information

Date : 20 juinau 21 juin