Compulsory covid pass - Students, parents and teachers demonstrate for equality in education

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Mandatory Covid Pass – Students, parents and teachers demonstrate for equality in education

Nearly 2,000 Romands, from several movements, mobilized on Tuesday against the health certificate in higher education.

Claude Beda

"Education is not a choice, but a right!" On the Place de la Riponne, in Lausanne, on Tuesday, the banners set the tone: “Stop the Soviet pass!” As 6 p.m. approached, as expected, the first demonstrators flocked to the Palais de Rumine. “We are here for equal access to education, explains Virginia Soro, student at UNIL. We consider that neither distance learning nor free tests until the end of October ensure this access to education. Some teachers do not give online lessons.

Mandatory Covid Pass - Students, parents and teachers demonstrate for equality in education